Martinez Politix dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Looks like Tucker was mildly pushing back on Putin's ridiculous border claims but wanted to get him to lean into the "threat from the West/NATO expansion" argument more which he sympathizes with. Notice that Putin had no response to "should Hungary take back the piece of Ukraine with Hungarians living there?"
By Putin's own logic, any nation that gained territory from another at any point in history, has the right to take it back at any time. Any country with a "national minority" would then be at risk of secession or separatism. Yet he does not accept this for Russia, where multiple minorities have tried for separatism, especially the Chechens, who he forcefully put down with bombs in the early 2000s.
By Putin's own logic, any nation that gained territory from another at any point in history, has the right to take it back at any time. Any country with a "national minority" would then be at risk of secession or separatism. Yet he does not accept this for Russia, where multiple minorities have tried for separatism, especially the Chechens, who he forcefully put down with bombs in the early 2000s.