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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Joel Davis dan repost

Autism Memes dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

AF private dan repost
Leftists who fedpost about attacking or killing people like us are the world's biggest LARPers. This is why we don't take these people seriously or care much about them in our day to day lives. Neither should you. People like this can't even order pizza on the phone without having a panic attack.

They're not going to bust into our homes and kill us so who cares? The ultimate version of this LARP was in Charlottesville when they were chanting "Kill All The Nazis" then screeched and cried over that car accident. Literal crybullies and there is nothing more disgusting in this world than a cowardly crybully.

AF private dan repost
A really absurd thing is how we're scapegoated by both the media and many Western governments to be this massive threat to human life.

Yet groups that have killed far more than the movement ever has continue to operate with impunity because they make billions and have political connections.

Such as the whole "alternative health" industry. Selling cures for cancer and other deadly aliments that have killed many. Yet not a thing is done about it and any attempt to regulate is blocked due to lobbying and connections. It's a multi billion dollar industry, so they get protected.

We've known people in our lives personally who've fallen for this with cancer who've later died when they could have lived. It's total nonsense. We face prison sentences for mean posters, yet some company who puts deadly chemicals in its supplements that kills many people gets a small fine at best if there is public outcry.

It's just a mark of insanity and hypocrisy of the world we reside in.

Autism Memes dan repost

AF private dan repost
Israel attacks the UN Peacekeeping Force in Lebanon. Causing further outrage against Israel globally and further diplomatically isolating the United States.

Israel is that one crazy girlfriend your buddy has that constantly starts problems with other people. But he's too pussy whipped to actually do anything about her causing all these problems.

AF private dan repost
Happy Columbus Day!

Whatever you may think about the consequences of Columbus' actions, to our enemies, Columbus represents the will, strength, genius, and Faustian nature of the Aryan race - and that is why they hate him.

Autism Memes dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global dan repost
🇺🇸 — Hackers take control of robot vacuums in multiple cities, blast racial slurs on speakers

🔶 Robot vacuums in multiple US cities were hacked in the space of a few days, with the attacker physically controlling them and yelling obscenities through their onboard speakers.

🔶 Multiple people all based in the US, have reported similar hacking incidents within days of each other.

🔶 It is unclear how many of the company's devices were hacked in total.

🔶 Security researchers had attempted to notify Ecovacs of significant security flaws in its robot vacuums and the app that controls them, but no response or update was subsequently issued.


Friends of Benjamin Raymond dan repost
Friends! Today we are launching the official "Friends of Benjamin Raymond" X (social media previously known as Twitter) account.

Our aim is to expand our reach further so that more people may learn about Ben's plight and, hopefully, offer their support.

However, we would also like to use it to highlight any other instances of injustice that are happening in Great Britain, the likes of which we've all witnessed during the recent social unrest, culminating in the coining of the term "two tier policing".

We would like your help in that endeavor! If you are an X user and follow accounts that spotlight such instances, please forward all the details to our own X account.

Join us on X, and stay safe, Friends!
Φίλοις βοήθει – Help Your Friends

Censored Anon dan repost
How white people feel after returning their shopping cart

AF private dan repost
WW2 Veteran visits his grandson and regrets not defecting to the Germans.

AF private dan repost
The worst example of this by the way would be the Southeast States in how they manage crime.

Which evangelicals designed it so you always get the max sentence for literally anything. Except this just makes everything worse.

Yeah lots of niggers which is ignored. But for example, from experience of friends of ours. The prisons in Southeast States are dogshit and basically gulags where you face torture and negligence. All the while no programs to better yourself if you're a common criminal. Those got gutted in favor of paying that money to scam mega churches to preach to you then use you for slave labor for their friends who own big businesses down there. Mississippi and Louisiana being the absolute worst for this. Literally Shawshank Redemption tier.

This is why conspiracyfags are always wrong. The system isn't this ultra competent thing. It's actually really retarded in how its run in basically everything.

AF private dan repost
Reminder the US Judicial System is just outright insane in comparison to the rest of the developed world.

In other developed countries, sentences are far shorter and other considerations are taken. Not to state other court systems are perfect. They clearly aren't.

But something like giving someone decades of prison time because they robbed a liquor store is actually pretty crazy. Same with putting some drug addict in for similar amounts of time for personal possession and when they come out they're even more of a danger.

In a White society, the judicial system would look more like Norway's or Iceland's. Not perfect but something based on rehabilitation and monitoring if someone is still a harm to society or not.

The main reason why the US Judicial System is so insane compared to the rest of the world is simple. Puritanism, letting a bunch of literal nutjobs who killed people for celebrating their birthdays design a system will lead to this. British Law suffers the same issue.

The National Justice Party 🎉 dan repost
I’m not sure who this Jim Crow guy is, but he sure has a lot a good ideas.

AF private dan repost
If you ever want to figure out if something is most likely some system gay op. Look and see if they act like comic book villains.

This has been our own experience with such things.

Why is it so poor in how these things are constructed? People who work in intelligence and law enforcement unironically see themselves as Captain America. Look how they talk about the people they go after calling them "the bad guys" and go on the news like they just had some epic battle from some shitty marvel movie. Which from our experience, yes these people are obsessed with shitty comic book movies that they self insert themselves into.

This lack of introspection and honestly detachment from reality leads to these gay ops being as retarded as they are. Having some group they made up calling itself the intergalactic organization of bad guys lead by Commander Meanie.

It's very funny to observe.

AF private dan repost
Our bets on Israel for doing the hack. The group that did it claims to be Pro-Palestinian and writes like Captain Planet Villains how they just hate America and Israel and their freedoms on their Twitter account.

Since it makes zero sense for Palestinian militants to hack Internet Archive and leak emails of users because they just hate America and Israel. It makes more sense that Israel did it because of their shit PR and Internet Archive is widely used by Academics and Journos all the time. Along with the fact Internet Archive is trying to be shut down by jewish owned publishing companies for giving out 50+ year old books they sell for free.

It's the world's most retarded gay op.

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