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Last Frontier Active Club dan repost
Become the white monster your ancestors foresaw and your descendants demand.

Train hard.

AC x Official dan repost
Many today in Europe are just being made aware of how much Europe relies on the US,  but America has occupied europe since ww2.  America has long installed FBI offices in every major European capital. While no European intelligence agency's function on US soil. From Poland to Bulgaria from France to Germany, the fbi has offices that interfere in local policies  and support NGOs and have extradited countless Europeans that had never even stepped foot on Us soil. Every EU country has signed extradition treaties another form domination.   Europe should always want to stand by herself without relying on US funding. The US should want to return to its founding roots of being non interventionists aswell.

Ohio Reich dan repost
We must defeat the jeet

Nathan Damigo dan repost
Membership organization like a White workers association also have the potential to become major funders of adjacent projects. The NRA has millions of members, each who pay $45 a year, and if they ever have legal issues stemming from gun ownership, the NRA will send out a lawyer to represent them. While we may not be able to attract 3-4 million people to such an association, I find it highly possible to attract tens of thousands of people to one. I'll let you do the math on how much money that would bring in, but it's the equivalent of what our entire movement brings in right now. In addition to funding lawsuits, grants could be given to promising White advocates to go to law school, donations to PAC's for political candidates running for a third position party like the AFP could be made. The fact that something like this wasn't set up half a century ago when the government started blatantly discriminating against White people is beyond me. It would be wildly popular, even among rank and file conservatives who are unwilling to support complete racial separation. In this way, you could get conservatives to help fund a White revolution.

Nathan Damigo dan repost
Who could possibly be behind the FBI deleting records of Jeffrey Epstein? Man, it must be the deep state! I’m sure Trump will get to the bottom of this and prosecute the agents behind it.

The Western Chauvinist dan repost
A good start, but It's not enough just to have a family. You need to unite with others who have families and grow into a community. Then grow that community into a Nation.

Anti-Communist Combat HQ dan repost
Our best guys are better than their best guys, that is for sure. But go and look through the commie swoletariat reddit.

Some of you would get mogged by these anti-White scum. While it is not a big part of the commie culture in general, there are leftists training.

If you are a nationalist and you know in your heart you would get smashed by some of these people you need to ask yourself why you aren’t living up to your ideals.

If you’re spending time watching a lot of TV or playing vidya or listening to hours worth of podcasts and you’re not measuring up to what you know you should be, it’s time to make a change, not just for yourself but for the cause of nationalism in general.

Herr Cent Logistics dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
We need flexibility in tactics and inflexibility in ideals

Tennessee Active Club dan repost
📍Tennessee Active Club

TAC had the pleasure of having some of the Ohio Active Club guys come down to do a joint training! We worked on jiu-jitsu and striking.

Wake early if you want another man's life or land.
No lamb for the lazy wolf.
No battle's won in bed.

- The Havamal

NOVA dan repost
A good time to remind everyone to get vetted and get involved.

It's your nation, fight for it

Frens Chan dan repost
NSC-131 wins

Congrats to NSC!

The Western Chauvinist dan repost
European Australia Movement ( leader Tim Lutze and Jim Roberts being arrested by Australian system pigs at the shrine of remembrance while paying respect to the fallen. These Australian Nationalists aren't ever allowed to assemble as individuals in public without harassment by the system pigs.

Herr Cent Logistics dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The hate speech legislation in the parliaments of Victoria and New South Wales are egregious attacks on free speech

Last Frontier Active Club dan repost
A success story in the making.

In June of 2024, I weighed 331 lbs. Today, February 20th of 2025, I weigh 286.
In just 8 months, I have lost 45 lbs.
I have the Active Club to thank for playing a large role in my endeavors, as well as a few other motivating factors in my life.
Having a standard to hold one's self to is a huge motivational factor, and being a part of the A/C certainly fosters such standards.
Though I am not at my final goal, I am well on my way!
I'd like to thank my brothers in the A/C, as well as a few other special people in my life for motivating me to be a better version of myself.

Get vetted today! Get active! Sieze your success!

Smoke Pit V dan repost
This kind of thing is exactly what I love about the Active Clubs. We have to build each other up, and this is part of that.

One day at a time, one step at a time. Constant and never-ending improvement is the name of the game.

Emily Youcis dan repost
Your based Elon-endorsed "Kosher White Nationalism," everybody. Jew Alex Karp, CEO of Palantir who brags about stopping the rise of the far right in Europe, and uses his technology to destroy Israel's enemies.

This is what WN's are being pressured to unquestionably support on X.

Seriously though we cannot let this dude be our senator...

Thermopylae dan repost
🇺🇸 - Vivek Ramaswamy has filed paperwork to run for governor of Ohio, and he will kick off his run in Cincinnati on February 24th.

Follow: @ThermopylaeNews


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