Membership organization like a White workers association also have the potential to become major funders of adjacent projects. The NRA has millions of members, each who pay $45 a year, and if they ever have legal issues stemming from gun ownership, the NRA will send out a lawyer to represent them. While we may not be able to attract 3-4 million people to such an association, I find it highly possible to attract tens of thousands of people to one. I'll let you do the math on how much money that would bring in, but it's the equivalent of what our entire movement brings in right now. In addition to funding lawsuits, grants could be given to promising White advocates to go to law school, donations to PAC's for political candidates running for a third position party like the AFP could be made. The fact that something like this wasn't set up half a century ago when the government started blatantly discriminating against White people is beyond me. It would be wildly popular, even among rank and file conservatives who are unwilling to support complete racial separation. In this way, you could get conservatives to help fund a White revolution.