Librettos of Lily dan repost
She greets death with a kiss, in love with the treason of altering her soul like the night fall won't pass and crumble the things close to her heart's desire. It is a custom of a woman, to repair what you didn't break, they told her long ago and she treats what she didn't believe in like a myth told to scare small girls with big spirits. They said, if there was a shadow of a doubt in your veins, you must let it be buried formally, in front of everyone that wants it gone. If you have voices of your own too big for your small frame then you will do well to bite your tongue they chanted. And she knew if there was anyone to be scared of, it wasn't them for even the slight change of tone of her wolfy voice shakes something inside them. She knew the only way to control a menace is to weaken it with fear or use the method of pirates and collect the heart of an ocean like an object. They think power is control yet power was the ability to move the ship without lifting a finger.
Preservation is a price too big to pay for someone else's sins.
Preservation is a price too big to pay for someone else's sins.