Lately, I've been thinking about our future.
Consider the fate of Canadians.
Each featherless biped who traveled there from the opposite side of the world in order to claim "refugee" status
costs taxpayers $81k in room and board alone every year, which is equivalent to a $100k+ salary before tax.
This is on top of the
impossibility of ethnic (White) Canadians to be hired for
any position as a result of discriminatory hiring practices, and having their homeland being flooded with Indians, Chinese, Jamaicans, etc. Of course, this happens in America, Australia, and Europe, albeit with a slightly lesser velocity in proportion to their total population.
As far as solutions go, there is no politician who has the will or capacity to do what has to be done. Nobody is coming to save us.
Our purpose is to keep our people safe from the traitors in our governments and combatants on our streets. Inaction will lead to our eradication. Make calculated risks, and tribe up.