𝑳𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈

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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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NSDAP Loved Christ dan repost

is is not intended as a drama channel, however given the recent actions of a fellow prominent NS Christian channel it is necessary for us to encourage every Christian to immediately leave @CatholicAuthority and to encourage others to do likewise. Catholic authority has recently re-posted satanic O9a affiliated content, this is not only unacceptable but also blasphemous. Why on Earth would a supposed Christian channel repost the content of those who hate both our Lord Jesus and all of those who believe in Him?

Do not be silent about this. Raise awareness of this and encourage everyone to call out this channel so that no Christian is lured into believing satanic lies, any person or channel that supports satanic activities should be dealt with properly.

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Why did Italy invade Greece in 1940?

Whenever this question is asked, generally the answer given is something vague such as “Mussolini wanted to re-claim the Roman Empire” or that Mussolini was jealous of Hitler, and simply wanted a quick victory against a small country like Greece. The summary of these answers is the belief that Mussolini did not have a good reason to invade Greece, but is this actually true? Did Mussolini actually invade Greece for no reason? In this video, I will answer two questions:

1. What reasons did Italy give for invading Greece?

2. Are these reasons based in reality?

Note: This is the extended version which includes extra content that is not safe for YouTube, here is a link to the YouTube version.

“Our programs are decidedly revolutionary, our ideas belong to those that in a democratic regime would be called "left"; our institutions are a direct consequence of our programs; our ideal is the State of Work. There can be no doubt about this: we are the proletarians fighting, for life and death, against capitalism. We are revolutionaries in search of a new order. If this is true, addressing the bourgeoisie by waving the red danger is absurd. The real scarecrow, the authentic danger, the threat against which we fight tirelessly, comes from the right. We are therefore not interested in having the capitalist bourgeoisie as an ally against the threat of the red danger: even in the best of hypotheses it would be nothing but an untrustworthy ally, which would try to make us serve its purposes, as it has already done more than once with a certain success. Wasting words on it is perfectly superfluous. Indeed, it is harmful, in that it causes us to be confused, from authentic revolutionaries of any color, with the men of reaction whose language we sometimes use."

-Enzo Pezzato, The Fascist Republic (22 April 1945)

  •   Yes
  •   No
70 ta ovoz

“The Nordicists should explain to us why the Nordics have not created in their places of origin any civilization on the level of Greece, Rome or the Spanish Empire.”

-Benito Mussolini

The myth of Mussolinis Jewish mistress and “Kosher fascism”

Many often site the story of Mussolini’s supposed Jewish mistress (Margherita Sarfatti) as an attempt to delegitimize the moral integrity of the Italian Fascist regime and to push the narrative that Mussolini was a hypocrite that was unconcerned with any Jewish question or Fascist ideal. This story of the Jewish mistress is repeated by anti-fascists and misinformed nationalists alike. Her presence as a journalist in the early years of the Fascist regime is often used by some to highlight the supposed Jewish influence in Italian fascism, usually as another angle of slander to display Italian Fascism as an inconsistent and hypocritical ideology.

Regarding this supposed affair with Margherita Sarfatti, this is a claim which derives from Sarfatti herself. Apart from her own accusation, there is no evidence whatsoever of her being Mussolini’s mistress. Sarfatti was an embittered Jewess who after the Italian anti-Semitic laws of 1938 leveled accusations of adultery against Mussolini and outrageously attributed to herself the role of having "created Fascism". Sarfatti's role in Fascist history is, due to her Jewish background, greatly exaggerated by modern writers. In her years as a supporter of the Fascist Party she contributed nothing to Fascism outside of editing a newspaper favorable to Fascism and to the Party, a role no more important than what was performed by hundreds of other writers and newspaper editors. Her only legitimate claim to fame, her authorship of a biography favorable towards Mussolini and to Fascism (The Life of Benito Mussolini, 1925), which by that time was an already established and widely accepted ideology, the product of Mussolini's genius, and nothing to do with Sarfatti.
Her own exaggerated claims as regards her role in shaping Fascism, and her slanderous assertions of carrying on an early love affair with Mussolini, are the product of strong bitterness towards Mussolini and the Fascist Party for enacting anti-Semitic laws in 1938. Additionally, already in 1932 she had been fired and not allowed to write articles in Fascist newspapers. All this, together with Sarfatti's delusion of an early "Kosher Fascism" of which she considered herself to be a part of, and of a later supposedly "corrupt Fascism", which she felt betrayed by, and falsely claimed was the product of German National Socialist influence.
Sarfatti's exaggerated, mythical, and slanderous claims regarding her role in Fascist history (such as claiming to have written articles in Mussolini's name, claiming to have been the theorist behind the March on Rome, claiming to have been Mussolini's personal adviser who helped shape Fascist ideology, etc.) and libels against Mussolini's character (such as claiming to have had love affairs with him during his marriage) are found mainly in her own post-war writings and testimonies, and it is primarily from these that modern writers base their own libels, exaggerations and gossip, treating them as if they were dogma. It is also worth noting that Sarfatti had converted to Christianity and was baptized Catholic in the 1920's, although her doctrinal orthodoxy and sincerity can be debated, especially given her behaviour. Her later actions puts her Jewishness and insincerity on full display.

Mussolini himself alluded to the accusations of his extramarital affairs in his book "Story of a Year” from 1944:

"Suddenly, the floodgates of gossip were thrown open, and the five percent of truth was embroidered with wild fancies of all sorts which, however, did not fail to excite the curiosity of the mob... It was necessary to make an end of me, first of all by a silence of the grave, and then by ridicule'Keep on slandering, some of the mud will stick.' And there is no doubt that some did stick."

The tale of Mussolini’s supposed Jewish mistress has no legitimacy whatsoever, and is on-par with the tales of Hitler supposedly having sexual relations with his niece or being partially Jewish: completely slanderous and baseless propaganda.

Most white Aryan pagan 🤣

Noma’lum dan repost

“If Petrograd (St. Petersburg) does not fall, if Denikin marks time, it is because the great Jewish bankers of London and New York so desire, linked up as they are by racial ties with the Jews who, in Moscow as in Budapest are taking revenge on the Aryan race which has condemned them to dispersion for so many centuries. In Russia 80% of the Soviet leaders are Jews. In Budapest 17 out of the 22 people's commissars are Jews. Might it not be that Bolshevism is the vendetta of Jewry against Christianity? It is a subject certainly worth pondering. It is entirely possible that Bolshevism will drown in the blood of a pogrom of catastrophic proportions. World finance is in the hands of the Jews. Whoever possesses the nations banks controls their politics. Behind the puppets of Paris stand the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Schiffs, the Guggenheims, who are of the same blood as the masters of St. Petersburg and Budapest. Race does not betray race. Bolshevism is defended by international plutocracy. That is the essential truth. International plutocracy, dominated and controlled by the Jews, has a supreme interest in hastening all of Russian life through its process of molecular disintegration to the point of paroxysm. A paralyzed Russia, disorganized and hungry, will tomorrow be the place where the bourgeoisie—yes the bourgeoisie, my dear proletarians—will celebrate its spectacular abundance. The kings of gold believe that Bolshevism must live now, to better prepare the ground for the new business of capitalism. American capitalism has already obtained a great "concession" in Russia. But there are still mines, springs, lands, workshops, which are waiting to be exploited by international capitalism.”

Benito Mussolini, Il Popolo d'ltalia (June 4, 1919)

𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬ᛋᛋ dan repost
"Forty million of us are enclosed in this august and adorable peninsula of ours, which has many mountains and its territory cannot nourish everyone. It is understandable then how the problem of Italian expansion in the world is a problem of life and death for the Italian race. I mean expansion in every sense: moral, political, economic, demographic. I declare that the Government intends to protect Italian emigration."

𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐢
𝑰𝒏 𝒂 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒆𝒄𝒉 𝒊𝒏 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒂𝒏, 𝑨𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒍 2, 1922.

Post from 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐈𝐈 (https://t.me/MUSSOLINIAN2)

If there are any Assyrians/ Chaldeans in the chat that would like to help with the channel please let me know


Just to clarify what actually happened with Helga

1. Who is Helga?
Helga is a 17-year-old girl from Albania who managed to work her way into being admin of several right wing group chats all over telegram.

2. What did Helga do?
Helga decided that she wanted to nuke several right-wing group chats for reasons that we still cannot understand. It’s possible that she is/was anti-fascist but we will never know exactly why she decided to attempt the nuke

3. Who doxxed Helga and why?
Helga was exposed for her attempt to nuke several right-wing group chats and a picture of her face was spread around telegram. There is no way to know where this image actually came from as the supposed source of the image already claimed that she is covering for the the origin of the actual picture. This picture was not malicious, it was only a picture of the girls face. Helgas picture and dox later appeared on “Anti serbs exposed” and there is no way to know where they got that picture from and they seem to have doxxed Helga as a result of their hatred towards the Albanian race.

Chris and Saggio have no relation to whatever happened to Helga and there’s absolutely no evidence pointing otherwise. If anyone would like to debunk what has been stated in this message be my guest.

It would appear that Mango is hiding information about where she received that supposedly malicious picture of “the minor”. If this picture was so malicious, one would only have to wonder why the supposed victim would be hiding where she received it from. But instead, of course she seems to be covering for whoever she received it from. This would be slightly suspicious to say the least, if the picture was malicious in anyway. Unfortunately for the accusers, the picture is merely a picture of a 17-year-old girls face. I suppose everyone who has a Facebook page is now a pedophile according to this retarded definition. These lies continue to get better and better so I guess we should get our popcorn.

Vanguard Legion Updates Channel dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Trust in our God the Lord Jesus Christ, and May Heaven be our Witness against Lawlessness.

Proverbs 12:19

"Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment."

Proverbs 12:22

"Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight."

Colossians 3:9-10

"Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator."


The other “expose” channel is now backtracking as a result of their previous slanderous accusations of our former owner. They are already conceding (not even four hours after the original post) that our former owner NEVER PARTOOK IN SELF HARM OF ANY KIND. This fact, alone, completely destroys the original posts legitimacy as well as the legitimacy of the entire channel as a whole but their is still false information being spread by this new post.

1. There is no evidence whatsoever that our former owner ever encourage anyone to do self harm. These messages are clearly fake and the supposed victim has already exposed these as being false (above)

2. No ones private information was released as a result of our former owner Chris. There is no evidence of such, and our witness has already admitted it.

3. No NSFW images were sent or received of this person, and they do not exist. If they existed we would expect this channel to provide the evidence of this, but all they have provided is hearsay.

There is no evidence against our former owner Chris, all the evidence in the world points to Chris being completely innocent of any accusations made of him and again our calls to report the slanderous channels are continuing to be justified. One has to wonder what sort of crimes these false accusers have done themselves…


They admit the cut in the photo has nothing to do with me at all, the Iranian guy running the channel is part of a Terrorist group and wants to kill all Christians.

Noma’lum dan repost
if people find its not vhriss

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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