Oppressed Voice

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Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Where there is oppression there is resistance
- Michael faudet

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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When maqbool bhat was about to be hanged he was asked if he had any last wish. He said no. Because you don't wish from a tyrrant you take your right from him. These bastards will not learn from peaceful protests. We are and will stand for kashmiri people because we are maqbools youth.

Proud of you Iran keep becoming stronger

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Defzul (Fateh) ballistic missile 🇮🇷
In service since: 2019-present
Range: ~1000km
Type: Short to Medium RBM
Ability: point precise

42 years ago we literaly begged every country around the world for the most simple missile system for the means of 'Defending our people'. Today the same countries that sanctioned us during the bloody war and supplied Saddam with chemical weapons, money and intelligence, are shaking because of our missile power.
And this is only the beginning of our journey to conquer the title and place that we deserve, and punish those who once killed our people.

🌹 @AxisOfResistanceAnalysis 🌹

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Hahahaha fucking A

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
American soldiers in Saudi Arabia vs. American soldiers in Iran

🌹 @AxisOfResistanceAnalysis 🌹

This is what the Western media won't show you

Global Resistance News dan repost
And lastly, the patsies chosen to be the fall guys for this false flag operation were mainly Saudi nationals who ascribe to Wahabbist "Islam." Zero were Iranians, and zero were Shia Muslims. Zero were even non-Wahabbist Sunni Muslims.

Yet Pompeo eagerly wants to send American sons and daughters to die for "israel," the very nation that killed 3,000 Americans on Sept. 11th and blamed Islam/Muslims (and now the Islamic Republic of Iran) for their crime.

On top of that, just before making his slanderous speech against the nation that defeated the ISIS monster that his own intelligence agency armed & funded, Pompeo met with the head of the Mossad, the co-founders of ISIS & the orchestrators of the 9/11 false flag, in secret.

The real criminals just pinned the blame for their own crime onto the nation which exposes and defeats their crimes. The variable in this equation is: are we gullible enough to believe them?

🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

Oye vey subscribe him

It's over folks now it's iran wonder what happened to uss liberty

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— BREAKING: Pompeo accuses Iran of being headquarters Al-Qaeda

Points from Mike Pompeo’s speech:

🔸Iran helped al-Qaeda in the 9/11 attacks.

🔸Al-Qaeda is now based in Iran.

🔸Al-Qaeda leaders are based in Tehran and live with fake passports and identities.

‎🔸Since 2015, Iran and al-Qaeda have increased ties, and now Iran is al-Qaeda's headquarters.

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This Day in History:

"'Israeli' defense minister and minister of war Ariel Sharon died.

He led a criminal invasion that occupied Lebanon, but most importantly he created and led a terrorist group named the FLLF that killed 600+ and injured 2,000+ civilians using car bombs."

Source: Lebanese News & Updates

The weasel on his role in massacres in Lebanon:

"'Not for a moment did we imagine that they [the Christian Phalange militia] would do what they did... They had received harsh and clear warnings. Had we for one moment imagined that something like this would happen, we would never have let them into the camp.


I'm the only minister of defence in the world - the only one - who left his post and went back to work on a tractor, on his farm, as a result of what Christians did to Muslims. The only one.'

In 1993, after being forced to resign from his post as defence minister. An official Israeli Commission looking into the 1982 massacre of Palestinians at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon had found Sharon responsible for failing to give suitable instructions to prevent or reduce the danger of a massacre before allowing the Lebanese militia into the camps." (Quote via BBC)

To the eternal hell fire...

🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

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First he assassinates the General who destroyed ISIS territorial presence and occupation in the region, and now he has assassinated his own supporters by turning his back on them.
Shame on Trump, the coward.

🌹 @AxisOfResistanceAnalysis 🌹

An I right

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Rachel Corrie, American activist crushed to death by Israeli bulldozers
Ashli Babbitt, American protester shot dead inside the Capitol of Washington

Remember their names, remember the name of those who killed them.

🌹 @AxisOfResistanceAnalysis 🌹

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