And lastly, the patsies chosen to be the fall guys for this false flag operation were mainly Saudi nationals who ascribe to Wahabbist "Islam." Zero were Iranians, and zero were Shia Muslims. Zero were even non-Wahabbist Sunni Muslims.
Yet Pompeo eagerly wants to send American sons and daughters to die for "israel," the
very nation that killed 3,000 Americans on Sept. 11th and blamed Islam/Muslims (and now the Islamic Republic of Iran) for their crime.
On top of that, just before making his slanderous speech against the nation that defeated the ISIS monster that his own intelligence agency armed & funded, Pompeo met with the head of the Mossad, the co-founders of ISIS & the orchestrators of the 9/11 false flag, in secret.
The real criminals just pinned the blame for their own crime onto the nation which exposes and defeats their crimes. The variable in this equation is: are we gullible enough to believe them?