Tupi Report 🇧🇷

Kanal geosi va tili: Braziliya, Inglizcha

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Braziliya, Inglizcha
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🇧🇷🤡📈💸 — ⚠️ Economist Maílson da Nóbrega, who served as Minister of Finance during the government of José Sarney, warned about Brazil's growing debt:

"Strictly speaking, we are heading towards a debt crisis in Brazil. Unless it is possible to address mandatory public spending. In Brazil, almost everything is mandatory spending. Approximately 98% of expenditures are already earmarked. Worldwide, countries typically have, on average, half of their budget available to set their priorities. The other half is mandatory.

No one has gone to the extent of setting mandatory spending at a level like Brazil's. Moreover, many of these expenses will continue to increase, such as social security, because the population is aging, there are fewer children, and we are losing the so-called 'demographic bonus.' This will increasingly constrain the government's discretionary spending. If all of this is not corrected, at some point the government will exhaust its possibilities."

❗️ Currently, Brazil's gross debt has risen to 75.7% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), reaching its highest level since April 2022, a period following the quarter that began the War in Ukraine. Additionally, the debt is approaching the levels seen during the pandemic in the country.

🌹🇧🇴🤝🇲🇽 — The President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, congratulates the President-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum:

"From the Plurinational State of Bolivia, we celebrate and extend our most sincere congratulations to our sister Claudia Sheinbaum for her resounding victory in the general elections and for making history by becoming the first woman to assume the presidency of the brotherly country of Mexico.

We salute the entire Mexican people for their democratic vocation and broad participation in the electoral process. We are convinced that the relations between our peoples will be strengthened to continue along the path of brotherhood, cooperation, and solidarity, as well as maintaining our vision on development, regional integration, and the commitment to a multipolar world. Long live Mexico! Long live the Patria Grande!"

Luis Alberto Arce Catacora (Lucho Arce) (@LuchoXBolivia) on 𝕏 🖇

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🇲🇽👚✔️🌹 — 🗳 The presidential candidate of the Fuerza y Corazón por México coalition, Xóchitl Gálvez Ruíz, acknowledged the preliminary results from the National Electoral Institute and accepted Claudia Sheinbaum's victory

💬 "I acknowledge that the trends do not favor me and that there is no information suggesting this could change... I accepted the result because I love Mexico and know that if the government does well, our country will do well," she said early Monday morning, June 3, in a press conference.

☎️ Xóchitl Gálvez announced that she spoke with Mexico's presumptive president, Claudia Sheinbaum, to congratulate her on her election victory.

👌 Xóchitl indicated that she will continue to maintain a vigilant role, proposing solutions to problems and defending the country's causes.

Xóchitl Gálvez Ruiz (@XochitlGalvez) on 𝕏 🖇

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🇲🇽🌹🗳 — 💬 Mexican President López Obrador (AMLO) speaks on the election results of Mexico:

"Today is a glorious day because the people of Mexico have freely and democratically decided that Claudia Sheinbaum will become the first woman president in 200 years of our Republic's independent history. Congratulations to everyone who has the fortune to live in these stellar times of pride and transformation."

Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) on 𝕏 🖇

Admin comment:

— I wasn't even going to cover the Mexican presidential elections because I already knew the result. Everyone already knew that. Now, it is important to observe how this will impact countries above and below. 🥸

— Actually, all these posts [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] were shared on their respective social media accounts at least one hour before any official results.

🌹🇬🇹🤝🇲🇽 — The President of Guatemala, Bernardo Arévalo, congratulates the president-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum:

"Mexico has elected its first female President. Alongside her, a people strengthened by democracy and the hope for a better future celebrate.

My congratulations and respects for your decisive victory, Claudia Sheinbaum. I expressed this to you over the phone a few minutes ago, but I also make it a public commitment: remember that you have in Guatemala an ally willing to work together to elevate solidarity, respect for life, and the general prosperity of our peoples. 🇬🇹🤝🏼🇲🇽"

Bernardo Arévalo (@BArevalodeLeon) on 𝕏 🖇

🌹🇨🇺🤝🇲🇽 — The dictator of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, congratulates the president-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum:

"Cuba salutes the historic election of Claudia Sheinbaum as President of Mexico. We wish her success in her administration, the first of a woman in that position. Count on Cuba's willingness to continue strengthening the deep brotherhood that unites our peoples."

Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez (@DiazCanelB) on 𝕏 🖇

🌹🇳🇮🤝🇲🇽 — The dictator of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, congratulates the president-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum:

"On behalf of our People and Government, and of course, on behalf of the Heroic Nicaraguan Women, we congratulate your Historic Victory on this second of June, which makes you the First Woman President of your Country. We are confident that your Seriousness, Firmness, and demonstrated Love for Mexico and its Families will be decisive factors for your successes, that is, for the new triumphs of the Mexican People.

With admiration and recognition, we wish you the best and, of course, reiterate our willingness to work Together, in all fields, for the Dignity, Respect, Sovereignty, and the Right to Peace, Security, Cultures, and Life in our countries.

United by History, Hope, and the Conviction of Mutual Respect, we reaffirm Mesoamerican Brotherhood in Values and Strengths that we know how to appreciate.

Success, Comrade President, in the new world of Solidarity and Common Good that we are building."

🌹🇨🇴🤝🇲🇽 — The President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, congratulates the victory of the President-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum:

"Mexico has chosen a progressive as the first female president in its history. It's a triumph for the Mexican people and their democracy.

Congratulations to my friend Claudia Sheinbaum, together we will work to see Latin America united and progressing."

Gustavo Petro (@petrogustavo) on 𝕏 🖇

🌹🇭🇳🤝🇲🇽 — The President of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, congratulates the victory of the President-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum:

"As the first woman president of Honduras, I extend my sincere congratulations to the first woman President-Elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, for achieving a resounding electoral victory alongside the people of Mexico and our friend AMLO. We agreed over the phone to work together for the unity of Latin America and the Caribbean."

Xiomara Castro de Zelaya (@XiomaraCastroZ) on 𝕏 🔗

🇻🇪❗️📹 — 🔍 Image movements, post-production, and camera angle deceive in presenting a large audience at the rally of the Venezuelan regime leader, Nicolás Maduro

➡️ In the first video, posted on Maduro's social media, an eager and robust presence is demonstrated, with several scenes of joy and celebration, accompanied by upbeat music to convey energy and mastery.

➡️ In the second video, shot from a distance, one can observe a proximal euphoria, with considerable spacing between the militants. Moreover, there's a noticeably limited concentration of people, making the appearances from the first video seem much smaller.

🇲🇽🌹🗳 — ✔️ BREAKING: Quick count in Mexico gives victory to Claudia Sheinbaum

➡️ The president councilor of the National Electoral Institute (INE) of Mexico, Guadalupe Taddei Zavala, reported early Monday morning that presidential candidate Claudia Sheinbaum obtained between 58 and 60% of the votes in the general elections.

👚 Xóchitl Gálvez: 26.6% to 28.6%
🌹 Claudia Sheinbaum: 58.3% to 60.7%

Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives dan repost
🇸🇻🎉📹 — On June 1, 2024 AD, Nayib Bukele, which refers to himself as a Philosopher King, was crowned sworn in as President of El Salvador for his Second mandate, following his massive success crackdowning on narco-terrorist gangs and transnational cartels on his nation's soil.

➡️ Hated by media and left-liberal circles in most of Anglo-European world and the Iberian-american countries, but loved by his people (as the popularity polls shows), Bukele was sworn-in as president of El Salvador in a new mandate of 5 years.

🤝 Among those invited to participate in the inauguration ceremony, diplomats from Mainland China & the United States, the King of Spain Felipe VI, as well as ministers and ambassadors from across the Western world and Ibero-America, as well as unusual figures such as the Son of Former President Donald Trump, National-Conservative journalist Tucker Carlson, the Ecuadorian Conservative President Daniel Noboa and the Argentine libertarian President Javier Milei

➡️ The American Department of Homeland Security sent a delegation led by the Cuban-Jewish Secretary of Homeland Security of Biden's administration, Alejandro Mayorka, whom also participated on the ceremony.

➡️ In a full Libertador-looking dress, Bukele swore allegiance to the constitution of El Salvador, surrounded by El Salvador Special Forces officers armed and dressed in traditional cloaks

➡️ From the balcony of the National Palace, after taking his oath, Bukele asked Salvadorans for 'unconditional support', comparing his country to a sick person and his government to a doctor, asked Salvadorans to take the "bitter medicine" without complaints, in his speech before thousands of supporters in the square in the historic center of the capital, San Salvador, saying that now that Total Victory over the gangs has been achieved, it is time to repair and reshape the economy of the Central American nation

➡️ "We have already resolved the most urgent issue, which was security, and we will focus fully on the important problems, starting with the economy," said Bukele, wearing the presidential sash.

➡️ Without anticipating measures, he called on Salvadorans to "defend tooth and nail" the "decisions taken without hesitation" to make the country "prosperous." “Without complaining,” he emphasized, stating that "now It's time for El Salvador have a new economic system"

➡️ As expected, Iberian-American mainstream media, specially Mexican and Brazilian ones, compared the event to "Literally 1933", calling the entire aesthetic and rhetoric of Bukele's speech as "quasi-fascism" and complaining that now the Salvadoran president has "Absolute power"

🌹🇨🇷🤝🇲🇽 — The official profile of the Republic of Costa Rica congratulates Claudia Sheinbaum on her victory in the presidential elections of Mexico:

"Costa Rica and Mexico are sister countries. Congratulations Claudia Sheinbaum for winning the presidency democratically and for being the first woman to be president of that country. My best wishes for her and Mexico"

Presidencia de la República 🇨🇷 (@presidenciacr) 🖇

🇲🇽📊 — 🗳 Official result - Mexican presidential elections (28,908 out of 170,648 polling stations or 16.9401%):

👚 Xóchitl Gálvez: 2,836,228 (29.9513%)
🌹 Claudia Sheinbaum: 5,441,190 (57.4604%)

🌹🇦🇷🤝🇲🇽 — The former Kirchnerist president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, has congratulated Claudia Sheinbaum:

"The first results of the presidential election in Mexico are already known.

I have had the privilege of embracing the woman who will be the new president of this beloved country, our dear Claudia Sheinbaum. I had the honor of being with her and her team receiving the first results.

A progressive woman will continue in Mexico the enormous task initiated by my dear AMLO. Latin America celebrates. Congratulations, dear Claudia."

Alberto Fernández (@alferdez) 🖇

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