Welcome to this new channel created on 7 April 20201.
No TROLLS, small minds or infiltrators will be tolerated.
This channel is for those with open minds and a desire to make the world a better place for all of humanity. For inventors, creators, healers, teachers, growers, builders, and anyone working towards bringing prosperity and abundance for all - not just a few.
It seems that Telegram has become a stable platform for sharing critical information which is being censored on other social media. Please invite your friends that will resonate with this space and share important news, events, discoveries, and any information that will help us make the right decisions for our present and our future.
By now everyone who knows me is aware that most of my energy is focused on the ONE SMAL LTOWN solution for humanity. For those that are new to this - please see the UBUNTU PLANET website and be inspired and share the good news with everyone. IN unity - Michael Tellinger