On Grifting, Gripes and Gossip
Plus a conversation with my friend Darren Deojee...
➡️ https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/on-grifting-gripes-and-gossip-ad8
Have you heard of the Tall Poppy Syndrome (TPS)? It’s a wide-spread cultural phenomenon with roots in New Zealand and Australia that refers to a propensity to resent, criticise or cut people down to size if they are successful. TPS is counter-intuitive to celebrating the achievements of others and building on them. It is with dismay that I note the prevalence of this phenomenon among the resistance movement of today, making us easy pickings for the powers that shouldn’t be.
In the weeks before and following the success of the second Better Way Conference in Bath this month, I and the World Council for Health have come under attack from individuals we have considered allies. One man even publicly accused us of grifting, which means making money dishonestly, as in a swindle, and shared a video on social media to this effect. One has to wonder what he hoped to achieve by pouring out his misinformed and angry point of view. In the video, which he has now retracted, he states that conference speakers, who kindly gave their time for free, were paid between £4,000 and £8,000.
When I messaged him privately to request a recorded conversation to set the record straight, he replied: “I [have already] apologised as I don’t want to spread misinformation, I do feel however that none of you are really helping in anyway and that’s my opinion, the prices are way out of budget for us commoners. Nothing has moved forward I’m struggling to see the benefit any DRs are now bringing to the table. We are no further forward despite donations, conferences, hearings and the such. There is still no trust in DRs, all you do is chat in groups and keep the public out.”
What a strange comment in the context of the Better Way Conference. Anyone who watched this conference or indeed BWC 2022 will know that doctors are among the minority at these events and topics covered extended far beyond medicine, providing a very public platform for a variety of speakers on artificial intelligence, government, sovereignty, transhumanism, the climate agenda, the fake food industry and the WHO/monopoly power grab.
It may be fair comment that the limited in-person Better Way Conference tickets were exclusive. Notwithstanding the fact that the Better Way event in itself - with venue hire, production and stage management, live streaming, security, and accommodation and travel costs - is expensive to hold, it remains the annual fundraiser for our continually expanding team and scope of work.
In addition, the entire weekend of excellent content was and still is available for viewing, downloading and sharing with others in the comfort of your home for under £40 for a virtual ticket.
Where we spend our money is where we place our attention and it is up to the individual to determine whether this amount, barely the price of an evening at the pub or a meal out, is money well spent.
If one remains uncertain whether to pay to watch to the 3-day content of the Better Way Conference 2023, why not decide after watching BWC 2022? It is available free to watch
here. The content of the first Better Way Conference in 2022 is still highly relevant today – especially if one is new to the truth of what has been going on since 2020. There is also a
50 minute documentary of the event.
Read the rest and watch the video:
➨ https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/on-grifting-gripes-and-gossip-ad8
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