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Forward from: ChristianTactics
Protestants think this is the End Times because they don’t believe Our Lady and her warnings.

The events happening now have been foretold by Our Lady, who predicted hundreds of years ago that the end of the 20th century would see a rapid spiral into apostasy and evil. And Our Lady of Fatima gave us even greater details of what’s to come.

What benefit is it to you to stockpile guns and food, and still be cast into hell? What do you fear more: Democrats, or eternal damnation? I’m not saying don’t prep, but keep your eye on the ball. If you’re not progressing in the spiritual life during this time, you need to focus on that as well.

If you don’t know about Fatima, rectify that.


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Forward from: BattleForTruth ☩

Forward from: ChristianTactics
It is a wonderful time to be alive. Make the most of your day in order to glorify God and better yourself to better serve others. God is with us!

Forward from: ChristianTactics
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Forward from: Catholic Icons

Forward from: ChristianTactics
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Forward from: Militia Immaculata Knight
Mark my words, my friends. Russia has not been consecrated, but it will be consecrated. However, it will be too late.

Forward from: IMPERIVM
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”


Forward from: IMPERIVM
"St. Michael, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the divine power, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl about the world, seeking the ruin of souls."



Forward from: Men Among the Ruins

Forward from: Militia Immaculata Knight
God wills the Consecration of Russia. Many in the Church have not prioritize this. Instead, they go to pushing their Novus Ordo “Catholic” ideology. This ecumenism with Novus Ordo is dangerous as it says that their mindset is fine. It is not okay. The lack of integrity for fighting for truth and backstabbing faithful Catholics and calling us radical trads is what’s going on here. And Blessed Emmerich was right: God has other plans.

And His plans are not to continue down a path for the true Church that has been soiled with all these useful idiots running around praying to God that He does not will. God told you He wants “A” but you all insist with “B” or “A” with a mixture of “B”.

Forward from: Militia Immaculata Knight
"I saw that many pastors had become involved in ideas that were dangerous to the Church. They were building a big church, strange and extravagant. Everyone had to be admitted into it to be united and have equal rights: Evangelicals, Catholics and seven from every denomination. So it had to be the new Church ... But God had other plans." (April 22, 1823 - Blessed Catherine Emmerich)

Forward from: Heathens Begone

It is one of the most effective means to live a life of solid piety (3). An incomparable manual of meditations is the Missal, which proposes the same word inspired by God, in its most select passages, distributed according to the seasons of the year and the feasts of the Saints. It is the best school to learn the true Christian spirit, to live and to feel with the Church.

In order to serve you profitably, follow this method:

I. Prepare the Mass of the day and look at the main points of it.

2. Read one or both of these points (the Gospel Epistle) slowly and reflect on its meaning and teachings, choosing two or three of the maxims or main thoughts that have moved you the most.

3. Apply them to yourself, asking yourself: What does the Lord teach me here? How have I practiced it up to the present? What should I do to observe it from now on? What means should I use? What things should I avoid? What will I do today?

4. For talks and petitions, use the Prayers of the Mass, praying them with pause.

5. As a spiritual flower look at some of the thoughts from the Introit, Gradual, Offertory and Communion, to remember them during the day.

6. During the Mass, continue with the feelings of meditation, and apply them to obtain the fruits of the meditation.

-(3) Doing it for at least a quarter of an hour, Indulgence of 5 years; plenary a month, cond.

Source : Devotional of the daily Roman Missal by R.P Gregorio Martínez de Antoñana (1952)

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