Diary of a Modern Kshatriya

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Riding the waves of the Kali Yuga

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"All formal dogmatic religions are fallacious and must never be accepted by self-respecting persons as final." ~ Hypatia

A subtle reading of Fear and Trembling will reveal that the Knight of Faith is the individual who acts, and it is the acting that is important to Kierkegaard. We can untether the Knight of Faith from Kierkegaard's strongly Christian / Protestant framework rather easily and, in so doing, find something of Evola's "differentiated" man. The Knight of Faith acts, venturing everything, on the spiritual. He is not merely a theorizer, but an actor. Kierkegaard uses Abraham as an example. In the Jewish context, Abraham submitting to God's order to kill his son Isaac is about God's staying hand and the mercy to not deprive Abraham of his beloved son. However, for Kierkegaard it is not the staying hand of God that is important, but the will to act on divine command.

Nietzsche states that God is dead. Evola, takes this as true, with a slight modification, stating that the God of petty morality is dead. Evola writes that the differentiated man acts not on morality, but on self-determined will, a will that is striving for unity of Self. We can take the Knight of Faith and look at it as the individual who acts from the "Being", undisturbed by "others' weal and woe" and by the honours that may be granted to him by a society that has dissolved the traditional means of self-realisation.

If we look on the Self as predetermined "that is in a way timeless, precosmic, and prenatal, and connected with it the concept of one’s “own nature” (the Hindu svadharma, the “original face” of Far Eastern philosophy)" (Evola, Ride The Tiger), then we can justify - within limits - a certain "fidelity to oneself, self-election, and responsibility." Action, like that taken by Kierkegaard's Knight of Faith, I argue, is the way in which the essence that contains the potential realisable in human existence, it is to act out of authenticity, which leads to the "profound unity with oneself" (Evola, Ride The Tiger).

"When around one everything has become silent, solemn as a clear, starlit night, when the soul comes to be alone in the whole world, then before one there appears, not an extraordinary human being, but the eternal power itself, then the heavens open, and the I chooses itself or, more correctly, receives itself. Then the personality receives the accolade of knighthood that ennobles it for an eternity." - Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling

Those who are alike in happiness and distress; who are established in the self; who look upon a clod, a stone, and a piece of gold as of equal value; who remain the same amidst pleasant and unpleasant events; who are intelligent; who accept both blame and praise with equanimity; who remain the same in honor and dishonor; who treat both friend and foe alike; and who have abandoned all enterprises – they are said to have risen above the three guṇas [material nature]. - 14.25

Here we have the traits of the truly detached, someone who doesn't allow even attachment - when it arises - to disturb his sense of equanimity. To be beyond the gunas is to be beyond the outcome of actions taken in the material universe, it does not mean to not act, as action is considered the highest form of situating oneself in the Supreme according to Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita.

"Apoliteia should not be confused with apathy or lack of engagement, however – it is, instead, a special form of engagement with political affairs that does not concern itself with the specific goals of politics, but rather with the impact of such engagement on the individual." - From the introduction to The Metaphysics of War.

To understand why apoliteia is important to Evola, one must first understand how Evola viewed the world of modern politics, which is quickly summarized in Ride the Tiger:

In the present epoch, no nation-states exist that, by their nature, can claim any principle of true, inalienable authority. Furthermore, one cannot even speak of states today in the proper traditional sense.

Evola goes on to say:

For a long time there have been no true sovereigns, monarchs by divine right capable of wielding sword and scepter, and symbols of a higher human ideal

In this degraded world of the Kali Yuga, " the mediocre soul, recognizing itself as mediocre, has the audacity to assert the right of mediocrity and impose it everywhere.”

Therefore, the question becomes one of how the attitude of Evola's differentiated man is with regards to the current state of politics. Evola writes:

After taking stock of the situation, this type can only feel disinterested and detached from everything that is “politics” today. His principle will become apoliteia, as it was called in ancient times.

However, detachment and disinterest does not - for Evola - amount to an excuse for inaction and listlessness. Evola is not promoting the life lived by so many today, in a state of lethargy and disillusionment due to the current state of the world and numbed so deeply that they have ceased to care. This doomer mentality is, in fact, the exact opposite of being disinterested and detached. It represents a deep state of attachment. Evola writes:

apoliteia, detachment, does not necessarily involve specific consequences in the field of pure and simple activity. I have already discussed the capacity to apply oneself to a given task for love of action in itself and in terms of an impersonal perfection. So, in principle, there is no reason to exclude the political realm itself as a particular case among others, since participating in it on these terms requires neither any objective value of a higher order, nor impulses that come from emotional and irrational layers of one’s own being. But if this is how one dedicates oneself to political activity, clearly all that matters is the action and the impersonal perfection in acting for its own sake. Such political activity, for one who desires it, cannot present a higher value and dignity than dedicating oneself, in the same spirit, to quite different activities: absurd colonization projects, speculations on the stock market, science, and even—to give a drastic example—arms traffic or white slavery... The truly detached man is not a professional and polemic outsider, nor conscientious objector, nor anarchist. Once it is established that life with its interactions does not constrain his being, he could even show the qualities of a soldier who, in order to act and accomplish a task, does not request in advance a transcendent justification and a quasi-theological assurance of the goodness of the cause. We can speak, in these cases, of a voluntary obligation that concerns the “persona,” not the being, by which—even while one is involved—one remains isolated.

Thus action is the positive overcoming of nihilism, and it necessitates action on the part of the persona, whilst the inner "Being" is detached and disinterested from both the current state of politics and the outcomes generated by any political action on the part of the persona. Again we see the spiritual tension that Evola employs to "Ride the Tiger".

I wish to end this with a final thought concerning the internal detachment and disinterest juxtaposed against vital and energetic action on the part of the persona that forms apoliteia, coming from the Bhagavad Gita, widely referred to as the handbook for surviving the Kali Yuga:

Forward from: Halls of the Hyperboreads
Therefore the historical accounts of Hyperborea match the description of the most "hyperborean" ancestral population to modern Eurasians: paleolithic Siberian mammoth-hunters referred to within genetics as Ancient North Eurasians.

Of interesting note on the Hyperboreans themselves are the repeated mentions of their great health, their propensity for song, dance, and other art, as well as being devoted worshipers of Apollo. The diety of song/dance/poetry, truth, and the Sun himself was said to rest there for half the year.

The Hyperboreads, the three sons of Boreas and kings of Hyperborea, were said to be 10 feet tall. See on giants: https://t.me/hyperboread/281

Forward from: Halls of the Hyperboreads

Herodotus's 5th c. BC account states "There is also a story related in a poem by Aristeas [...] This Aristeas, possessed by Phoibos (Phoebus) [Apollon], visited the Issedones; beyond these (he said) live the one-eyed Arimaspians, beyond whom are the Grypes (Griffins) that guard gold, and beyond these again the Hyperboreans, whose territory reaches to the sea. Except for the Hyperboreans, all these nations (and first the Arimaspians) are always at war with their neighbors; the Issedones were pushed from their lands by the Arimaspoi (Arimaspians), and the Skythians (Scythians) by the Issedones, and the Kimmeroi (Cimmerians), living by the southern sea, were hard pressed by the Skythians and left their country."

The tribes Herodotus mentions represent real tribes; First Cimmerians to Scythians to Issedones, which Herodotus elsewhere puts "east of Scythia and North of the Massagetae," and then the mythic Arimaspians, until finally there is Hyperborea which extends "to the sea." Of very interesting note are the gold-guarding griffins, a staple of Scythian lore, with the fact that much of the famed Scythian gold came from Mongolia.

Pliny the Elder writing in 1st c. AD states "From the extreme north-north-east to the northernmost point at which the sun rises in summer there are the Scythians, and outside of them and beyond the point where north-north-east begins some have placed the Hyperboreans, who are said by a majority of authorities to be in Europe. After that point the first place known is Lytharmis [?], a promontory of Celtica, and the river Carambucis [Northern Dvina?], where the range of the Ripaean Mountains terminates [Volga region?] and with it the rigour of the climate relaxes"

According to Pliny's account, Hyperborea could be found beyond the "first place known" within "Celtica" which has geological features that have been thought to describe Eastern Russia. Since Finnic tribes inhabited that region until the Middle Ages it would connect them to Hyperborea. Pliny also mentions "Those who locate them merely in a region having six months of daylight have recorded that they sow in the morning periods, reap at midday, pluck the fruit from the trees at sunset, and retire into caves for the night." This would place it within the Arctic circle, where the sun acts in this manner.

One who gives protection from harm is called kshatriya. ... The kshatriyas are specially trained for challenging and killing because religious violence is sometimes a necessary factor. ... In the religious law books it is stated: ‘In the battlefield, a king or kshatriya, while fighting another king envious of him, is eligible for achieving the heavenly planets after death, as the brahmanas also attain the heavenly planets by sacrificing animals in the sacrificial fire.’ Therefore, killing on the battlefield on religious principles and killing animals in the sacrificial fire are not at all considered to be acts of violence, because everyone is benefited by the religious principles involved

Swami Prabhupada, Bhagavad-Gita as It Is

Philosophy, art, politics, science, even religion” were here stripped of any right and possibility to exist merely in themselves, and to be of any relevance outside a higher framework. This higher framework coincided with the very idea of Tradition... [My goal was] “to defend ideals unaffected by any political regime – be it Fascist, Communist, anarchist or democratic. These ideals transcend the political sphere; yet, when translated on the political level, they necessarily lead to qualitative differences – which is to say: to hierarchy, authority and imperium in the broader sense of the word” as opposed to “all forms of democratic and egalitarian turmoil.

Forward from: Keith Woods
Liberals are motivated by status
Conservatives are motivated by money
Leftists are motivated by resentment
Extremists are motivated by tearing down
Radicals are motivated by building up

Forward from: Wrath of Guénon: Aristocrats of the Soul
“The traditional world knew divine kingship. It knew the bridge between the two worlds, namely, initiation; it knew the two great ways of approaching the transcendent, namely, heroic action and contemplation. It knew the moral foundation, namely, the traditional law and the caste system; and it knew the political earthly symbol, namely, the empire” - Julius Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World

Forward from: Evola's Cave
Evola, in his last moments, died up-right looking out at the hill sacred to Janus (I wanted to release the video on Evola in the month consecrated to that God for a similar reason).

This, considering Janus is the God of the ends and the beginnings, the closings and the openings, the past and the future, is in our opinion an indication of Evola's view of the fate of his work. That its time was in fact yet to come in the future.

It is not hope that drove him to such an action, hope is something Evola affected to despise, but rather a purposeful dedication of his work to the future, rather than letting it die in the past.

Forward from: Avalonian Duke 🐝⚡️
Around 70% if clothing worn today is made of plastic. This has countless other health problems for us. The issue of low sperm count barely scratches the surface.

Every time you wash synthetic materials, tiny bits of micro-plastics are released into the water system, which flow to the oceans, are eaten by fish, which are then eaten by us.

Avoid polyester, nylon, acrylic and polyamide. Instead, wear cotton, silk, wool, etc.

It’s more expensive, but is infinitely better for you.

For most people it’s not possible to just replace most of your clothes at once. It costs a lot of money. For the last year I’ve been doing the following:
• Get rid of all synthetic underwear.
• Do not buy any more plastic clothes.
• When buying new clothes, ensure they’re 100% natural materials.
• Slowly phase out and replace plastic clothes.

Forward from: Halls of the Hyperboreads
"In the quiet and ordered periods of history, this wisdom is accessible only to a few chosen ones, since there are too many occasions to surrender and to sink, to consider the ephemeral to be the important, or to forget the instability and contingency which is the natural state of things. It is on this basis that what can be called, in the broader sense, the mentality of bourgeois life is organised: it is a life which does not know either heights or depths, and develops interests, affections, desires and passions which, however important they may be from the merely earthly point of view, become petty and relative from the supra-individual and spiritual point of view, which must always be regarded as proper to any human existence worthy of the name.
The tragic and disrupted periods of history ensure, by force of circumstances, that a greater number of persons are led towards an awakening, towards liberation. And really and essentially it is by this that the deepest vitality of a stock, its virility and its unshakability, in the superior sense, can be measured. ... We need to remember that, for a complex set of reasons, the superstition which attaches all value to purely individual and earthly human life has spread and rooted itself tenaciously – a superstition which, in other civilisations, was and remains almost unknown. The fact that, nominally, the West professes Christianity has had only a minimal influence in this respect: the whole doctrine of the supernatural existence of the spirit and of its survival beyond this world has not undermined this superstition in any significant way; it has not caused knowledge of what did not begin with birth and cannot end with death to be applied in the daily, sentimental and biological life of a sufficient number of beings. ... A radical destruction of the ‘bourgeois’ who exists in every man is possible in these disrupted times more than in any other. In these times man can find himself again, can really stand in front of himself and get used to watching everything according to the view from the other shore, so as to restore to importance, to essential significance, what should be so in any normal existence: the relationship between life and the ‘more than life’, between the human and the eternal, between the short-lived and the incorruptible.
And to find ways over and above mere assertion and gimmickry, for these values to be positively lived, and to find forceful expression in the greatest possible number of persons in these hours of trial is undoubtedly one of the main tasks facing the politico-spiritual elite of our nation."

- Julius Evola in Liberations

Forward from: HeimdallR's Home
Spirit of the Day #12


Redcap are a kind of Goblin and nature spirit, known for its hyperviolent tendencies. It is said to hunt humans and dye their hat in the blood of their victims. They tend to war with other spirits such as the Brownie, and are known to keep treasures such as gems and gold. Sometimes they are depicted more like gnomes than goblins, they are most notable in British Border Folklore. There is tell of a specific Redcap known as Robin Redcap who served a powerful Scottish Warlock.

Forward from: Traditionalism & Metaphysics
Hymn I
O wealth-giver, Queen of the gods, Hermouthis, Lady
Omnipotent Agathē Tychē, greatly renowned Isis,
Dēo, highest Discoverer of all life,
Manifold miracles were Your care that you might bring
Livelihood to mankind and morality to all;
You taught customs that justice might in some measure prevail;
You gave skills that men's life might be comfortable,
And You discovered the blossoms that produce edible vegetation.
Because of You heaven and the whole earth have their being;
And the gusts of the winds and the sun with its sweet light.
By Your power the channels of Nile are filled, every one,
At the harvest season and its most turbulent water is poured
On the whole land that produce may be unfailing.
All mortals who live on the boundless earth,
Thracians, Greeks and Barbarians,
Express Your fair Name, a Name greatly honoured among all, but
Each speaks in his own language, in his own land.
The Syrians call You: Astarte, Artemis, Nanaia;
The Lycian tribes call You: Leto, the Lady;
The Thracians also name You as Mother of the Gods;
And the Greeks call You Hera of the Great Throne, Aphrodite,
Hestia the goodly, Rheia and Demeter.
But the Egyptians call You 'Thiouis' because they know that You, being One, are all
Other goddesses invoked by the races of men.
Mighty One, I shall not cease to sing of Your great Power,
Deathless Saviour, many-named, mightiest Isis,
Saving from war, cities and all their citizens:
Men, their wives, possessions, and children.
As many as are bound fast in prison, in the power of death,
As many as are in pain through long, anguished, sleepless nights,
All who are wanderers in a foreign land,
And as many as sail on the Great Sea in winter
When men may be destroyed and their ships wrecked and sunk,
All these are saved if they pray that You be present to help.
Hear my prayers, O One whose Name has great Power;
Prove Yourself merciful to me and free me from all distress.

Forward from: Survive the Jive: All-feed
This prayer to Isis demonstrates clear syncretism of paganism, where deities are always recognised to be universal yet varying in their regional forms. The translation is taken from V.F. Vanderlip, The four Greek hymns of Isidorus and the cult of Isis (1972).

Forward from: Integral Life +

Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her.

- G. K. Chesterton

Forward from: Dissident Aesthetics
"We find ourselves in a world of ruins—we should not forget this. And just how much may still be saved depends only on the existence or lack of men who are still capable of standing among these ruins, not in order to dictate any formulas, but to serve as examplars; not by pandering to demagogy and the materialism of the masses, but in such a way as to reawaken different forms of sensibility and interest.”

Julius Evola


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