✉️Telegram gave the US data on thousands of users after the arrest of Pavel Durov. This was reported by the specialized resource 404 Media with reference to the report of the Telegram Transparency Report bot.
The messenger handed over data on 2,253 users to US authorities in 2024, fulfilling 900 official requests. Most of the requests were satisfied after the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France in August.
Thus, from January 1 to September 30, Telegram provided information on only 14 requests, and then there was a sharp increase in the number of data disclosures in the following months. Durov, we recall, was detained at the Paris airport on August 24.
At the same time, requests from Russia remain unanswered. As The Moscow Times notes, Telegram stopped providing information on requests from Russian authorities after September 30. The company's report indicates that in the first nine months of 2024, the messenger did not satisfy a single request from Russia.
Telegram had previously only provided user data in cases involving suspected terrorism. However, following his arrest, Durov apparently committed to handing over data in cases involving cybercrime, sale of illegal goods, and online fraud.
Let us recall that Telegram’s refusal to cooperate in this way became the main accusation brought against Durov in France.