WONDER Staking wonderfully fixed!
WEMIX Medium:
https://medium.com/wemix-communication/wonder-staking-wonderfully-fixed-fb52dfc62017WONDER Staking of WONDER DAO(01) and Wemade(40) has been fixed.
We kindly request your attention to the following details.
1. An error occurred from June 23rd 21:00 2023 (KST) to June 25th 03:52 2023 (KST)
2. Error information:
• A display error in which the display information of WONDER DAO(1) and Wemade(40) were switched.
• A reward calculation error due to the misconnection of the staking contract and reward contract of WONDER DAO(1) and Wemade(40).
3. Taken actions:
• Service error fixed on June 25th 2023 at 03:52 (KST),
BlockNumber 21393587
• Temporal lift of the withdrawal limitations of WONDER DAO(01) and Wemade(40) until July 3rd 15:00 2023 (KST)
• Reward distribution will be taken out to users who staked in WONDER DAO and Wemade setting the APR to the maximum rate of 26.28%. Users who have already received their rewards are also included.
- Details -
1. Display error of WONDER DAO(01) and Wemade(40)
• On June 22nd, 2023 (KST), a display error occurred where the display information of Wemade and WONDER DAO was switched, causing users who staked in Wemade to mistakenly stake in WONDER DAO and users who staked in WONDER DAO to mistakenly stake in Wemade.
• The WEMIX team deactivated the staking deposit and withdrawal service of WONDER DAO and Wemade to resolve the error. The reward deposit service was also deactivated on June 24th at 04:53:51 (KST).
• Staking for WONDER DAO and Wemade has now been fixed. However, as users have staked in different WONDERs regardless of their intentions, the WEMIX team has decided to temporarily lift the withdrawal amount limit for the two staking pools for 7 days, until July 3rd 15:00 2023 (KST). Since you can freely withdraw any staked amount within 7 days, you can stake into any other WONDERs that you want without any withdrawal limit.
• The withdrawal limitation of the WONDER DAO and Wemade staking pool will be reapplied after July 3rd 15:00 2023 (KST) as well as the other WONDER Staking pools. Also, the sharing ratio of Wemade will be maintained at 100% to prevent any inconvenience to further users who were not informed with the notice.
2. WONDER DAO and Wemade staking reward amount error fixed
• An error occurred in the calculation of the reward amount due to a misconnection between the WONDER DAO and Wemade's staking and reward contracts.
• Due to this error, the WEMIX team has decided to set the APR to the maximum rate of 26.28% as a reward for users who have staked in WONDER DAO and Wemade and this reward also applies to users who have already received their rewards.
• To take out the process, rewards in the original reward contract will be temporarily transferred and kept in a separate distribution contract, and will be sent along with the difference reward on June 26th 2023. Please check the wallet address where each user will receive their rewards in the sheet provided below.
[Wonder Staking] Wemade & WonderDAO Compensation Plan
• The amount of rewards listed in the sheet above will be distributed to each users’ wallet address.
Stable access to WONDER Staking’s deposit and withdrawal service of Wemade and WONDER DAO are now available at WEMIX.Fi, and since the reward contract has been initialized, users who wish to stake into Wemade and WONDER DAO from now on can use the service regardless of the error listed above.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to our community users due to the partial WONDER errors that have occurred. The WEMIX team will now and always place our priorities in managing the service for the users’ convenience. We will try our best to provide secure and trustable services.
Thank you.