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Interplanetray Exceptionalism in da house.

Forward from: Geopolitics Live
❗️First wave of Trump executive orders rolled out

🌏 Sending troops to the southern border with Mexico to stop the illegal immigrant “invasion.”

🌏 Formally declaring drug cartels as terrorist organizations.

🌏 Announcing plans to declare a state of emergency in the energy sector to stimulate energy production.

🌏 The US will henceforth refer to the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America.

🌏 Making a commitment to return freedom of speech with an executive order to end state censorship.

🌏 From this day forward, official US policy will be to recognize only two genders – male and female.

🌏 Trump has vowed to "take back" the Panama Canal.

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...what Trump and Crash Test Dummy might have talked about as The Beast was cruising Pennsylvannia Avenue on the way to The Capitol.

I was just live on RT during the inauguration - talking about ppossible Trump moves in the chessboard. Well, not as fun as The Don dancing to the sound of 'YMCA'.

How to commit mass murder and get away with it.

Today at noon EST the nuclear football will be under Trump's control.

Davos starts today. Peter concisely unpacks the horror.

Forward from: Katehon Europa
All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Sun Tzu, The Art of War

✍️ Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics

🌐 Empire of Chaos, Reloaded

The Spokesman of Hamas’ Al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Obaidah, was VERY specific in his special thanks to only FOUR nations:
1. Ansarallah in Yemen, and "the blessed people of Yemen, who possess the strongest wisdom and faith."
2. Our comrades in arms, the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, Hezbollah. And the Lebanese people."
3. Our brothers in the Islamic Republic of Iran."
4. The heroic brothers of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq. The heroes of the drones.”

Coming back home.

And home WILL be rebuilt.

An excerpt from my latest itvw to RIA Novosti.

Forward from: Réseau International (officiel)
Attends que je te «MAGAtise», baby

C'est le plus grand show de la terre - un double programme du Nouveau Paradigme et de la Destinée Manifeste sous crack.

Nous sommes les meilleurs. Nous allons vous faire vibrer - dans tous les sens du terme. Nous vous écraserons. Nous prendrons tout ce que nous voulons parce que nous le pouvons.

#ÉtatsUnis #DonaldTrump

Forward from: Russian BaZa [ZVO]
🇧🇫 Two years of Ibrahim Traore, President of Burkina Faso

1. Burkina Faso's GDP grew from approximately $18.8 billion to $22.1 billion.

2. He rejected loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. He said: “Africa does not need the World Bank, the IMF, Europe or America.”

3. He reduced the salaries of ministers and MPs by 30%, and increased the salaries of civil servants by 50%.

4. He paid off Burkina Faso's local debts.

5. He founded two tomato processing factories, the first in Burkina Faso.

6. In 2023, he opened a state-of-the-art gold mine to improve local processing capabilities.

7. He stopped the export of unrefined gold from Burkina Faso to Europe.

8. He built a second cotton processing factory in Burkina Faso. Previously, the country had only one.

9. He opened the first National Artisanal Cotton Processing Support Center to help local cotton farmers.

10. He banned the wearing of British legal wigs and gowns in local courts and introduced traditional Burkinabe clothing.

11. He prioritized agriculture by distributing over 400 tractors, 239 tillers, 710 motor pumps and 714 motorcycles to boost production and support rural stakeholders.

12. It provided access to improved seeds and other agricultural inputs to maximize agricultural production.

13. Tomato production in Burkina Faso increased from 315,000 metric tons in 2022 to 360,000 metric tons in 2024.

14. Millet production increased from 907,000 metric tons in 2022 to 1.1 million metric tons in 2024.

15. Rice production increased from 280,000 metric tons in 2022 to 326,000 metric tons in 2024.

16. He banned French military operations in Burkina Faso.

17. He banned French media in Burkina Faso.

18. He expelled French troops from Burkina Faso.

19. His government is building new roads, widening existing ones, and upgrading dirt roads to paved surfaces.

20. He is building a new airport, Ouagadougou-Donsin Airport, which is expected to be completed in 2025 with a capacity for 1 million passengers per year.

@ Источни фронт


Forward from: Comunidad Saker Latinoamérica
Eu vou MAGA você, querida

Pepe Escobar

Os fatos, na prática, já indicam que a “ordem internacional baseada em regras” está sendo substituída em um piscar de olhos por uma desordem internacional sem regras. Afinal de contas, o direito internacional já foi abolido pelo próprio Império do Caos (que é bipartidário) – quando se trata de sanções ilegais e unilaterais, roubo de ativos financeiros ou legitimação de genocídio e de “rebeldes moderados” que cortam cabeças.

Trump 2.0 nada mais será do que a aplicação de um fenômeno de fato: uma desordem pós-histórica. Fim da história – isso sempre foi para os trouxas.

Caros leitores, por favor não se esqueçam de impulsionar o nosso canal. Clique aqui.

The good ol' days.

The Achaemenid Empire under Darius.

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