Did UK provoke WWI to create Third British Empire?New York Times bestselling author Richard Poe argues that Great Britain played a key role in both WWI and the Bolshevik Revolution. Here’s a breakdown:
🔶 Poe highlights that while WWI shattered the German, Russian, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian monarchies, the House of Windsor remained intact.
🔶 He claims Britain aimed to build a "Third British Empire" by dismantling geopolitical rivals, particularly Russia and Germany.
🔶 Before WWI, Russia and Germany had close ties - an alarming prospect for British strategists like Halford John Mackinder, author of the Heartland Theory.
🔶 London saw Russia as a tool against Germany. Gavrilo Princip, who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, belonged to The Black Hand, a group reportedly linked to British intelligence.
🔶 Britain backed the Bolsheviks amid WWI to dismantle the already weakened Russian Empire. Poe asserts Leon Trotsky was a British agent.
🔶 However, Britain’s support for Russian revolutionaries was strategic, not ideological - rooted in the long-running "Great Game" with Russia, according to the author.
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