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🇪🇺🇷🇺 "If together we are not able to put enough pressure on Russia, then how can we claim that we can defeat China?"

Oh dear. Even a door knob has a higher IQ.

Forward from: Chronicles GlobalSouth
From Donbass to South Lebanon, and All Across BRICS, It’s All About Resistance

… the absolutely key imperative remains the Forever Wars chapter in Ukraine – whose resolution (or not) will deeply affect geopolitics for the rest of the century

By Pepe Escobar at Sputnik.

For those who keep track of the slings and arrows crossing the broader geopolitical chessboard non-stop, it’s an immensely powerful – and humbling…

Forward from: Istituto Italia Brics +
L'Indonesia ha preso in considerazione l'idea di entrare a far parte dei BRICS per rafforzare in modo significativo la sua influenza globale e il suo partenariato economico.

La decisione riflette il desiderio dell'Indonesia di svolgere un ruolo più importante nella governance globale e di diversificare le proprie relazioni internazionali.
In quanto maggiore economia del Sud-Est asiatico e membro del G20, l'adesione dell'Indonesia ai BRICS avrà implicazioni di vasta portata sia per le dinamiche regionali che per il panorama politico globale.

Motivazioni dell'adesione ai BRICS
Benefici economici: accesso a meccanismi finanziari alternativi come la New Development Bank (NDB) e maggiori opportunità di commercio e investimento;
Influenza globale: maggiore status diplomatico e una piattaforma per difendere gli interessi dei Paesi in via di sviluppo;
Cooperazione Sud-Sud: rafforzamento dei legami con altre economie emergenti attraverso la risoluzione di sfide comuni per lo sviluppo.

Sfide per il futuro
Rischi geopolitici: potenziale peggioramento delle relazioni con i Paesi occidentali, in particolare con gli Stati Uniti;

Considerazioni chiave
Ponte diplomatico: ruolo potenziale dell'Indonesia nel creare legami tra i BRICS e le istituzioni a guida occidentale;
Rappresentanza del Sud globale: interrogativi sull'efficacia dei BRICS nel difendere gli interessi dei Paesi in via di sviluppo;
Pragmatismo economico contro geopolitica: il delicato equilibrio tra benefici economici e rischi geopolitici.


Forward from: Chronicles GlobalSouth
No one ever lost money betting on the batshit crazy “policies” of the ferociously yapping Baltic chihuahuas.

By Pepe Escobar at the Strategic Culture Foundation.

Forward from: Réseau International (officiel)
Les jeux de pouvoir et les lignes rouges de la mer Baltique et de la mer Noire se croisent dans une «guerre étrange»

Toute la farce électorale en Roumanie – avec la diabolisation de Calin Georgescu, le favori des élections – tourne autour de la modernisation de la base Mihail Kogalniceanu, qui deviendra la plus grande base militaire de l'OTAN en Europe.

Donc, une fois de plus, tout tourne autour de la mer Noire. L'OTAN faisant des ravages en mer Noire offre des perspectives bien plus alléchantes que l'OTAN via les chihuahuas monopolisant la mer Baltique.

#Russie #merBaltique #merNoire
#OTAN #Ukraine

Forward from: Mondo multipolare
I paesi BRICS hanno concordato di creare un gruppo di lavoro per sviluppare i parametri di una nuova piattaforma di investimento che opererà sulla base della New Development Bank.

Questo meccanismo mira a consentire maggiori flussi di investimento verso i paesi BRICS e il Sud del mondo a lungo termine. Si prevede che la piattaforma diventi uno strumento per un finanziamento più efficace di progetti congiunti e per rafforzare la cooperazione economica all'interno dell'associazione.

Spot on. On all counts.

Forward from: Geopolitics Live
📖 Did UK provoke WWI to create Third British Empire?

New York Times bestselling author Richard Poe argues that Great Britain played a key role in both WWI and the Bolshevik Revolution. Here’s a breakdown:

🔶 Poe highlights that while WWI shattered the German, Russian, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian monarchies, the House of Windsor remained intact.

🔶 He claims Britain aimed to build a "Third British Empire" by dismantling geopolitical rivals, particularly Russia and Germany.

🔶 Before WWI, Russia and Germany had close ties - an alarming prospect for British strategists like Halford John Mackinder, author of the Heartland Theory.

🔶 London saw Russia as a tool against Germany. Gavrilo Princip, who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, belonged to The Black Hand, a group reportedly linked to British intelligence.

🔶 Britain backed the Bolsheviks amid WWI to dismantle the already weakened Russian Empire. Poe asserts Leon Trotsky was a British agent.

🔶 However, Britain’s support for Russian revolutionaries was strategic, not ideological - rooted in the long-running "Great Game" with Russia, according to the author.

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Forward from: Ukraine Watch
🔘 The Dutch newspaper NRC.


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- I moderated the speech of the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, which was right before J.D. Vance's speech. The organizers were nervous, because he had to go on, and Ursula was late. Everyone kept saying that J.D. Vance couldn't be detained. His representatives were also worried: "He waited in the anteroom for 10 minutes! What's going on?! Get him on stage immediately! He has an important message for European leaders."

In the end, my 20-minute interview with Ursula von der Leyen was compressed to 4 minutes!

- So because Vance was nervous about the delay and was eager to speak, you had to close the shop?

- My interview with her was cut to 4 minutes. Then we left the stage and watched J.D. Vance's speech from the wings.

- And how did the audience react?

- The atmosphere was: "Never before have we been so publicly attacked." The most popular words were: "betrayal", "flirting" (with Russia) and "capitulation".


Forward from: Chronicles GlobalSouth
Pepe Escobar & Judge Nap: The Resistance Gathers

Talkin’ to The Judge – on the Russia/US casino and most of all, The Power of the Resistance.

Forward from: Geopolitics Live
🔍Current balance of forces in the Arctic

Insiders have told US business media that Washington has identified the Arctic as a domain for potential cooperation with Moscow on resource and energy exploration and new trade routes.

Who controls what in the Arctic today?

1️⃣Russia: Claims about 50% of the Arctic (2.1M sq. km, including the North Pole) and has the world’s largest icebreaking fleet (45 large vessels) and extensive commercial and military infrastructure to back its ambitions.

2️⃣US: Claims around 10% of the Arctic and recently expanded claims off Alaska, the Bering Sea and the Arctic Ocean to overlap with Canada. The US has just one heavy icebreaker for sustained operations.

3️⃣Canada: Claims 25% of the Arctic with a 1.9M sq. km continental shelf claim, partly overlapping with Russia’s. Canada has 15 icebreakers, half of them capable of working in the far north.

4️⃣Denmark: Claims 20% of the Arctic via Greenland, including the North Pole. May have a hard time enforcing its claims after scrapping all of its icebreakers. With Greenlanders eying independence, and the US eying Greenland, the Kingdom may have bigger problems to worry about.

5️⃣Norway: Claims 5% (235k sq. km) and operates two Arctic-class icebreakers. Has sought to strengthen its Arctic presence mostly with NATO forces stationed across 13 regional bases.

Note: Due to overlapping claims, the continental shelf claim figures above amount to more than 100%.

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Pepe Escobar : Der Widerstand sammelt sich

In diesem Interview mit Judge Andrew Napolitano spricht der renommierte Journalist und geopolitische Analyst Pepe Escobar über die aktuelle Lage in der Ukraine, die geopolitischen Spannungen zwischen den USA und Russland sowie über den wachsenden Widerstand im Nahen Osten gegen Israels Vorgehen in Gaza. Escobar erklärt, warum der Ukraine-Krieg noch…

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