THERE IS NO PAROLE FOR RAPERS! THERE IS JUST DEATH PENALTY OR LIFE SENTENCE WITH ASSISTED SUICIDE! Ji Gustafsson, 33, vägrade behandling – och risken för återfall bedömdes som hög.
Ändå frigavs han villkorligt.
Nu sitter han inne igen, dömd för våldtäkter mot barn offender Ji Gustafsson, 33, refused treatment - and the risk of relapse was assessed as high.
Nevertheless, he was released on parole.
Now he is in prison again, convicted of rape against children.
Under denna tid har den numera 33-åriga mannen groomat flickor över hela Sverige.
2015 dömdes han till fem års fängelse för flera olika sexualbrott.
During this time, the now 33-year-old man has groomed girls all over Sweden.
In 2015, he was sentenced to five years in prison for several different sexual crimes.
Bland annat för barnpornografibrott och över hundra fall av utnyttjande av barn för sexuell posering. Totalt utsattes 53 tjejer, enligt ”Kalla fakta”, som i två program har kartlagt Ji Gustafssons brott och anmälningar mot honom – och vilka konsekvenser de har fått.
Among other things, for child pornography offenses and over a hundred cases of exploitation of children for sexual posing. A total of 53 girls were victimized, according to "Cold facts", which in two programs have mapped Ji Gustafsson's crimes and reports against him - and what consequences they have had.
TRASHED THEIR LIVES when they raped the girls!
Recidivism is 20-60% gives a shit to that!
Better killing criminal raper or killing a girl with direct homicide or indirect homicide = suicide??! sure death penalty IS LESS CRUEL THAN SUICIDE!
A life is a life! life of innocent IS MUCH MORE WORTH than the life of a serious criminal, without considering that such dudes can rape MUCH MORE CHILDREN / GIRLS / BOYS!