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Репост из: Working Brother
🧿 In today's good news, score one more for the conspiracy theorists. Remember when it was a theory that fluoride is bad for you, well now it is a fact. As it happens these days, I came across the meme on the left, and checked the caption (*quoted in comment due to TG limit on captions) and it seemed legit, I checked, it is real.

Instagram source

"actual" news ⬇️

Stop using toothpaste with fluoride in it.

@WorkingBrother 😎

◾ Truths unveiled.


Репост из: Believe In Syria - Axis Of Resistance
According to Yedioth Ahronoth:

The Zionist army has decided to impose a military blockade on Lebanon, preventing cargo planes coming from Syria and Iran or even repairing the bombed crossings.

Even the bulldozers that will repair the infrastructure at the crossings will be targeted.

While the spokesman for the occupation army issues a warning to the residents of the Bekaa and the southern suburb to stay away from the area and not return.

Репост из: Intel Republic
🇺🇸🤝🇮🇱🇱🇧 BIDEN GIVES BIBI PAT ON BACK FOR HEZBOLLAH CHIEF ASSASSINATION (left pic), claiming Nasrallah’s death "measure of justice" before contradicting himself by immediately insisting #Washington wants to “de-escalate” #Israel’s brutal assault on its neighbors

And CIA media New York Times instantly runs with garbage article (right pic), peddling narrative that U.S. didn’t know a thing about Beirut strikes that killed #Hezbollah Secretary-General in vain hope that someone will believe them.

🤔 Biden's insincere call for de-escalation actually infuriating some lawmakers, with House Speaker Johnson going so far as to criticize Old Joe for "counterproductive calls for cease-fire and its ongoing diplomatic pressure campaign against Israel"...

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◾The old white colonial world order Vs a multipolar new world order. According to Western propaganda the first one is diverse and inclusive and the second one is fascism...


Репост из: Patrick Lancaster News Today
⚡️📣Kursk Counter-Offensive: Russian Forces Capture Key Ukraine positions⚡️📣

The Russian counter-offensive battle is raging in the Kursk Region of Russia and I am the only independent journalist bringing you English language reports from there. In this report i go deep into the frontline with Russian "Akhmat" special forces assault team as they capture Ukrainian military positions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg2SCSwHVw0&feature=youtu.be

Репост из: The Islander
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🇹🇷🇱🇧🌍❌🇮🇱Just four days ago, Erdogan stood before the world at the UNGA and delivered a warning: the Middle East needs an alliance of humanity, like the one forged 70 years ago against Hitler. He wasn't mincing words then, and in the light of Israel assassinating Nasrallah, his call is even more urgent today. Israel has crossed a dangerous line, setting a precedent that will erupt the entire region, and the consequences will be catastrophic, not just for Israel, but for the entire West's grip on the Middle East.

This assassination is a suicidal move, hubris that ignores the lessons of history. Just like the British in the Mandate era, or the Americans in Vietnam, Israel, propped up by Western impunity, is stumbling towards a fate of its own making. Erdogan’s call is a rallying cry against the West’s backing of genocidal puppets, a plea to stand up before the entire region burns. And you can bet the Global Majority is watching this madness, seeing the empire implode from its own excesses.

Turkiye must now act, stop the flow of oil, stop the trade, cut off the lifelines that fuel genocide. Words alone aren’t enough. The "state" of Israel, despite all its American welfare (MIC money laundering), can’t control the crisis it has unleashed. And by making assassination its preferred tool, has Israel just made Bibi a target? When you play the game of killing leaders, you soon become part of the same brutal cycle.

- Gerry Nolan

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◾On this day, on September 28, 1944, the Red Army troops, commanded by General Tolbukhin, together with Yugoslavian and Bulgarian partisans, started the Belgrade strategic offensive operation.

During a rapid offensive, Soviet soldiers and Balkan partisans destroyed the German Army Group F and liberated a large part of Yugoslavia from German occupation.


Репост из: International Reporters
🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠 The American Ethan Hunter Hertweck, who died at Avdeevka, was a radio scout, not a volunteer nurse

According to unique documents available to IR, Ethan Hertweck, a veteran of the US Marines whose death was presented by Western and Ukrainian propaganda as the heroic death of a volunteer medic who was helping Ukraine with all his heart, was serving as a radio scout in the command and communications group of the special reconnaissance company of military unit A1445 of the operational command ‘South’ of the ground forces of the AFU. This is evidenced by a letter dated 26 July 2023 addressed to the head of the Ternopol RTCC and signed by the commander of military unit A1445, Lieutenant-Colonel Dmitry Kalembet.


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◾ Netanyahu uses the same Genocidal narrative with the Lebanese people accusing all civilians of being terrorists, preparing the ground to indiscriminate bombard entire neighborhoods of the country.


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◾The dark history of how Israeli football teams came to play in Europe, and how world events saw Israel change from a Middle Eastern country to a European one over the course of the 20th century.

Maccabi Tel Aviv started their 2024 Europa League campaign with a loss to SC Braga. Fans of the Portuguese club raised a Palestinian flag during a game against Israel in July, making them one of a growing number of European fan groups that reject Israeli participation in European football and are standing in solidarity with Palestine.


Репост из: Intel Republic
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🇮🇱🇱🇧 CIVILIANS WAIL & YELL as Israel continues shameless onslaught on residential suburbs of #Lebanon.

IDF shells the town of #Shebaa in southern Lebanon - without announcing war, it has reportedly killed the entire Hezbollah command.

❗️Iran's Spiritual Leader Ali #Khamenei moved to safe location.

We await an official statement from Hezbollah.

Boost us here as the story develops @IntelRepublic

Репост из: Geopolitics Live
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An airstrike has been reported in the southern Laylaki area of the Lebanese capital Beirut, near the city's international airport.

A video circulating online shows a column of smoke rising into the sky, with an airplane in the background approaching the airport for landing, almost simultaneously with the attack.

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Репост из: Rybar in English
🇮🇱🇱🇧 Situation on the Lebanon-Israel border: Assassination of Hezbollah leader during strike on Beirut
Situation as of 6:00 PM on September 28, 2024

The Israel Defense Forces Spokesperson's Unit announced the neutralization of Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah: he was killed as a result of another Israeli air strike on the Lebanese capital.

Condolences over the death of "His Eminence Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah" were expressed by virtually all participants of the so-called "Axis of Resistance" and its allies. These include Palestinian factions, as well as various groups in Iraq, the Yemeni Houthis, and Iran.

▪️At the same time, one of those killed in the strike on Beirut was Iranian Brigadier General Abbas Nilforooshan - the commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in the Republic of Lebanon. This is confirmed by government media.

Nilforooshan himself is known for his participation in several military campaigns, including in Iraq and Syria. At the same time, the media is circulating his statement from 2021, when he stated on state television about the weakness of Israel and its inability to pose any threat to Iran.

▪️Meanwhile, according to the Lebanese Ministry of Health, the number of casualties since the start of the series of Israeli Air Force strikes has reached about 700 killed and 2,600 wounded. Of these, six were killed and 91 injured - residents of the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital.

At the same time, the UN stated that more than 50,000 Lebanese have fled to the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic, with a total of 200,000 displaced persons. The representatives of the international organization also reported that humanitarian needs have reached an unprecedented level.

▪️Against the background of what happened, Hezbollah reported launches at about ten targets of the Israel Defense Forces. However, such attacks cannot boast of effectiveness: most of the ammunition is either intercepted by air defense systems or falls on wastelands - often on Lebanese territory.

It is noteworthy that the total number of rockets launched today also remains at a relatively low level - only a few dozens, while previously their number could be measured in hundreds.

🔻The assassination of the leader of the Lebanese group became one of the most effective strikes by Israel as part of the recently launched air operation "Northern Arrows". This was preceded by the death of other Hezbollah commanders such as Fouad Shukri, Ibrahim Akil and Ali Karaki.

Despite the loss of almost the entire top leadership, most of the media allied with Hezbollah indicate that the movement as a military-political organization will not disappear anywhere. However, the successor to Hassan Nasrallah is not to be envied against the background of the significant damage the group has suffered from the Israelis in recent days and their actual complete dominance in the conflict.

At the same time, everyone is waiting for a response from both Hezbollah and Iran. But how it will be and how the Israelis will act further is difficult to predict. For now, the parties are engaged in their usual business: they strike at each other's positions, maintaining the already high degree of tension.

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Репост из: Ukraine Watch
🇺🇦 Ukrainian armed forces are losing more than half of their recruits to casualties.

As the "victory plan" becomes increasingly distant, more revelations are emerging in Western media. For instance, the Financial Times reports that half of those mobilized are killed in the first days on the front lines.

Ukrainian commanders tell the publication that new recruits arrive at the armed forces completely unprepared for combat. They lack skills and motivation, with most fleeing their positions at the first sign of shelling. Additionally, more than half of them are over 45 years old, which means their physical capabilities are severely limited.

“Between 50 and 70 percent of new infantry soldiers are killed or wounded within a few days of the first rotation.”

The most ironic part is that the instructors who are supposed to train the mobilized often lack combat experience themselves, making any real preparation impossible.

With such fighters, no "victory plans" will be effective.


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◾Canada's Dark Secret": 60 Minutes Exposed Ottawa's Policy of Accepting Nazi SS Veterans.

◾The program in 1997 outlines how Pierre Trudeau hid Nazi criminals and allowed Ukrainian & Baltic immigrants in if they showed Nazi tattoos - because it proved they were anti-communist.


Репост из: Ukraine Watch
🇺🇦🇷🇺🇩🇪 A 37-year-old German and his 42-year-old Ukrainian wife have violated EU sanctions by broadcasting sanctioned channels such as "Rossiya 1" and "RT", among others.

120,000 euros frozen, they’ll potentially get a prison sentence.

The Internet address via which the IP-TV service was accessible was also confiscated.

The couple is said to have offered the streaming at least since the beginning of 2022.


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◾German green politician and foreign affairs minister Annalena Baerbock keeps white washing the Kiev Nazi regime despite the fact that the raids into Russian territory are lead by a notorious Neo Nazi.

Last week she also said that the Germans are "walking on the shoulders of their forefathers"...


Репост из: Rybar in English
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🇦🇺 About protests in Sydney against censorship on social media

Today, massive demonstrations were held in Sydney against the "misinformation" bill proposed by the Australian government led by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

📌 The essence of the bill: The Australian authorities want to impose fines on digital platforms that, in the government's opinion, do not effectively combat so-called "misinformation". If the law is passed, social media could be fined up to 5% of their annual turnover.

🔻 Of course, the law will primarily become a tool for suppressing freedom of speech, allowing the authorities to interpret what constitutes misinformation and put pressure on social media to remove incorrect content.

The main blow will likely fall on X (former Twitter), as most bloggers with alternative opinions broadcast on this platform. Therefore, one of the bill's vocal opponents is Elon Musk.

We have already observed similar measures in post-Soviet countries, where local authorities, under the supervision of Western NGOs and USAID, are fighting Russian propaganda, but cannot overcome it, demanding new subsidies and tightening legislation.

🔻 And recently, against the backdrop of anti-immigrant protests, the UK government has sharply tightened censorship.

Looking at the British law enforcement practice, where migrants are sentenced to relatively lenient terms for rape and other serious crimes, while native Britons are demonstratively harshly punished with real prison for jokes on Facebook, Australians have reason to be concerned.
#Australia #UnitedKingdom #Protests

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Репост из: Rybar in English
🇮🇱🇸🇾 For the second night in a row, the Israeli military has struck rural areas near Damascus. This time, the Israel Defense Forces targeted the small settlement of Beit Saber, located near the occupied Golan Heights.

An Israeli drone attacked one of the residential houses, resulting in the elimination of Ahmed Muhammad Fahd - one of the leaders of Hamas in southern the Syrian Arab Republic, who organized rocket attacks on IDF targets.

His wife was killed along with him, and another person was injured. Notably, the Israeli press service reported only the elimination of Fahd, who allegedly planned to carry out a new attack in the near future.

Also, around midnight, Israeli aviation intercepted a drone launched by pro-Iranian groups near the small town of Al-Quneitra. According to statements from the "Islamic Resistance in Iraq", the drone's target was some object in the Golan Heights.

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