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Ignorance? HERE WE GO!!!

4 girls every mio get raped https://perma.cc/Q89C-FK6C

En gruppe som bistår personer som sitter fengslet i Dubai, sier til BBC at kvinnen tok kontakt med politiet i landet etter å ha blitt voldtatt av to britiske menn https://perma.cc/YW8Q-2WU8

A group that assists people imprisoned in Dubai tells the BBC that the woman contacted the police in the country after being raped by two British men.

De forente arabiske emiratene styres etter islamsk lov. Og ifølge loven er utenomekteskapelig sex ulovlig.

Kvinnen i 20-årene risikerer dermed både fengselsstraff og pisking dersom hun blir dømt.

The United Arab Emirates is governed by Islamic law. And according to the law, extramarital sex is illegal.

The woman in her 20s thus risks both a prison sentence and flogging if she is convicted 🤦‍♂️

☪️ = 💩!

For tre år siden ble norske Marte Deborah Dalelv pågrepet i byen etter å ha anmeldt en kollega for festvoldtekt. Hun ble dømt til 16 måneders fengsel for alkoholbruk, sex utenfor ekteskapet og for å ha avgitt falsk forklaring.

Three years ago, Norwegian Marte Deborah Dalelv was arrested in the city after reporting a colleague for party rape. She was sentenced to 16 months in prison for alcohol use, sex outside of marriage and for giving a false statement.

Da hun gikk til politiet startet marerittet for alvor. Hun ble ikke trodd.

When she went to the police, the nightmare began in earnest. She was not believed https://perma.cc/QUY2-CM9Z

aka 🇮🇱 ...

politiet meg: «Gikk du til oss fordi du ikke likte det?»
the police: "Did you go to us because you didn't like it?"

Tidligere i år fortalte 27 år gamle Alicia Gali at hun ble fengslet i åtte måneder fordi hun anmeldte en gjengvoldtekt i Dubai i 2008, skrver flere australske medier.

Earlier this year, 27-year-old Alicia Gali said she was imprisoned for eight months because she reported a gang rape in Dubai in 2008 https://perma.cc/2D22-KUMK

Have you not said previously to tourists "well come to us, there is no problem?" 🤦‍♂️

What we said previously?

Well, why hotel ARE OPENED IN SUCH REGIONS??! but you said is ok previously ... 🤦‍♂️

So this is not just a problem about local people, but even tourists!

Next time, talk less shit with 💶 in mind ...

Well, it should not be a problem, at the end you can in theory switch hotel ...

In winter there should not be a lot of tourists ... but no matter, say less shit next time!

Again, never trust anyone! Especially if they work for tourism without being scientists!

Meanwhile is not just 🥶 in Iceland


Because you cannot say "we are not ready", "we never imagined that", "it's not possible this happens here"!

If you think in such way YOU HAVE UNDERSTAND ANYTHING ABOUT TERRORISM! and you learned ANYTHING from the past

exactly like Israel!

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⚰️😢More than terrorism⚰️😢

Репост из: Finnish Meteorological Institute on Telegram by GRT : Ilmatieteen laitos [Meteo WWF Suomi / Finland / Finnland / Artic Science ]
Vuodenvaihteen jälkeen voi etelässäkin olla kireitä pakkasia. Tosin niin kauan kuin Suomenlahti ei ole jäässä on aika epätodennäköistä, että lämpötila Helsingissä laskisi -30 °C tuntumaan. Alle -25 °C lukemia on mitattu Kaisaniemessä vuoden 2000 jälkeen vain kahtena talvena.

Ilmatieteen laitos

Finnish Meteorological Institute on Telegram by @Ilmatieteenlaitos
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Norway is sending warning alerts for extreme cold temperature!

Be ready!

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