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Репост из: The Daily Decade
Today's Daily Decade, the last of our Telegram exclusives before returning to a regular schedule, is on the silence of heart, tongue, body, and soul necessary to hear the Word of God, that we might better keep it. God love you!


Репост из: The Daily Decade

Репост из: Cyberfiend666

Репост из: Catholic Arena
Twitter/X is censoring us for posting about the persecution of Christians in India


Репост из: Illiberal Christianity

"The Jews, who are admitted to our acquaintance only through our mercy, should never forget their yoke of perpetual slavery, which they bear through their own fault. In the Council of Toledo it was decreed that Jews of both sexes, and for all time, should be distinguished from others by their mode of dress.

We therefore command that each and every one of you to have all the excesses of the Jews completely repressed, lest they should presume to raise their necks from the yoke of servitude in contumely of the Redeemer; forbidding them to discuss in any way concerning their faith or rites with Christians. In this matter calling to your aid the help of the civil power, inflicting upon Christians, who offer opposition, due ecclesiastical punishment."

— Pope Gregory IX, Papal bull to the Archbishops of Germany

Репост из: Catholic Authority
"Modernism will undoubtedly be the religion of the Antichrist, it will be an adversary of all religion and worship, it will sit in the temple usurping the place of God.
Modernism uses the external form of religion, but empties it of its content to fill it with the idolatry of Man."

Padre Leonardo Castellani

Репост из: The Daily Decade
S. John, Apostle, Evangelist, Visionary. When Our Lord entered His Passion, three followed him - all drowsed when they were called to keep watch with Him. S. James abandoned Him in Gethsemane; S. Peter denied Him in the courtyard of the High Priest; S. John alone followed Him from His Agony to His Death on the Cross, suffering with Our Lord and His Blessed Mother to the moment He was laid in the tomb. Yesterday we were shown S. Stephen, first Martyr in deed and will; today, S. John, first Martyr in will, our exemplar of perseverance in the face of the Cross, to whom it was given to know the secrets of Our Lord's heart at the Last Supper, on the Cross, and even after His Ascension.

Let us imitate John, to follow Our Saviour through all He has done for us, that like this beloved disciple, we will look with true Love of God and Fear of the Lord upon Our Lord seated in Majesty in His Kingdom, loyal retainers who have fought the good fight and shared in His glorious Victory! S. Ioanne, ora pro nobis!

Репост из: Hacker News
Show HN: I made a website to semantically search ArXiv papers
Article, Comments

👆Well worth a read because whatever you think, it is worse. Shadowman needs to learn how to clean links.

Репост из: Padre Peregrino
Interesting replies after USCCB had earlier tweeted out a "Happy Hanukkah" post.

Репост из: Nationalist Training & Lifestyle
Vivek is describing a small class of people who live joyless lives because in countries like India your only hope is nepotism and to work day in and day out without any disposable income in order to avoid falling into a pit of desperate and inescapable poverty. This is heaven for elites, desperate frightened nerds are the perfect class of people to rule over.

Yet the Indians who live this way cannot make India better, they can only scurry like rats out of the shithole they exist in to western nations. Hoping to make better lives…for a time until the thing they cannot escape (their own presence) makes the new country just like the old.

Репост из: Judge Frog’s S’more Cult
Vivek Ramashakalakalama posted this long thread about how we need more Indians because America has embraced mediocrity and become lazy.

Among his examples: we have watched too many episodes of Friends, and we do not have sufficient appreciation of Steve Urkel.

Vivek believes India is a culture of excellence that can bring us back to our former glory. 🙏🏾


Репост из: the Memewaffen's Hat Trick

Репост из: Thermopylae
🇺🇸 - JUST IN: After enormous backlash about H1B immigration, Elon Musk updated the algorithm to suppress and strip the checkmark of right-wingers including Laura Loomer, Owen Shroyer, Gavin Wax, and lots of prominent right-wingers that oppose H1B.

Follow: @ThermopylaeNews

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