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RT @profbensaul: I join other UN experts in condemning “exploding pagers” in Lebanon as terrifying violations of international law, including war crimes against civilians, and calling for de-escalation

UN #HumanRights experts condemn the malicious manipulation of thousands of electronic pagers and radios to explode simultaneously across Lebanon & Syria as “terrifying” violations of international law.

ohchr.org/en/press-releases/… - UN Special Procedures

Palestine Australia, Aotearoa NZ and Pacific

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RT @FranceskAlbs: Senseless shame.

The Israeli soldiers killed, mutilated and humiliated the bodies of three Palestinians in Qabatia ( Jenin area) today and threw their bodies from a high building to the ground in a savage and inhuman manner. - Mustafa Barghouti @Mustafa_Barghouti

Palestine Australia, Aotearoa NZ and Pacific

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Palestinian, Israeli and international human rights reports confirm the existence of widespread cases of torture and aggravated human rights violations committed by Israeli soldiers against Palestinian detainees, all from Gaza, in the notorious Sde Teiman Prison. #FreeThemAll


:The Israeli Supreme Court refuses to close Sde Teiman Prison, where evidence of torture and a detainee's death from abuse reveals a chilling disregard for human rights."


#HumanRights #HumanRightsViolations #FreeThemAll - PLO Department of International Relations

Palestine Australia, Aotearoa NZ and Pacific

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🕊 🇵🇸🕊️
15 000 palesztin zászlót helyeztek el a Lyon városára néző Jardin des Curiosités földjén, hogy kifejezzék tiszteletüket az Izrael gázai népirtása során elvesztett fiatal életekért.

Justice & Freedom for #Palestine 🇵🇸 #SzabadPalesztina

Palestine Embassy in Hungary

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RT @SheriR_Anderson: Great to visit #UmmAlJimal today, a site that tells the unique story of #Jordan’s 🇯🇴 rich history and was recently recognized as a @UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Meeting with the mayor and local community showed how proud they are to preserve this heritage.

The @UN, through @UNESCOJordan, is not only supporting heritage sites, but other UN agencies, such as @UNDPJordan, @UNIDO_Jordan , and @unwomenjordan, have also come together to support women’s cooperatives in their engagement with this effort, ensuring that the local community benefits economically from this important heritage.

Noha Bawazir

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RT @SheriR_Anderson: سعدت اليوم بزيارة موقع #أم_الجمال، الذي أدرج حديثاً على قائمة اليونسكو لمواقع التراث العالمي. الموقع الذي يحكي قصة فريدة عن تاريخ #الأردن 🇯🇴الغني.
التقيت برئيس البلدية والمجتمع المحلي وتحدثوا عن مدى فخرهم بالحفاظ على هذا التراث.
الأمم المتحدة، من خلال اليونسكو ، لا تدعم فقط مواقع التراث، بل كانت وكالات الأمم المتحدة الأخرى قد وحدت جهودها بما في ذلك @UNDPJordan @unwomenjordan و @UNIDO_Jordan ، لدعم الجمعيات النسائية، مما يضمن أن يستفيد المجتمع المحلي اقتصاديًا من هذا التراث.

Noha Bawazir

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Watch: Al-Qassam fighters target Israeli military vehicles advancing near the telecommunications company west of Al-Kuwaiti Hospital in Rafah City, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

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The Palestine Chronicle

Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
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RT @RESCUEorg: In the face of catastrophic conditions in Gaza, we join other NGOs in supporting legislation to restore U.S. funding for @UNRWA—the suspension of which is impacting lifesaving assistance for millions of Palestinians in Gaza and the region. congress.gov/bill/118th-cong…


Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
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RT @FCNL: Happening now: FCNL’s @HassanElTayyab and Reps @RepAndreCarson, @RepJayapal, @RepSchakowsky, @RepRashida & @Ilhan speaking to urge support for their new bill to restore funding for #UNRWA's vital humanitarian work in #Gaza.


Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
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RT @AnastasiaSMoran: Critical legislation introduced in Congress today to restore US funding to @UNRWA

UNRWA is the backbone of the aid response in #Gaza and vital across the Middle East. The conclusion of several investigations led most donors to restore funding. It's time for the US to follow suit

In the face of catastrophic conditions in Gaza, we join other NGOs in supporting legislation to restore U.S. funding for @UNRWA—the suspension of which is impacting lifesaving assistance for millions of Palestinians in Gaza and the region. congress.gov/bill/118th-cong… - IRC - International Rescue Committee


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HAPPENING NOW: A press conference with our Executive Director @marakronenfeld, partners, @RepAndreCarson, @RepJayapal, and @janschakowsky on the @UNRWA Emergency Restoration Act of 2024.

We're streaming live on our TikTok: @unrwa.usa/live' rel='nofollow'>tiktok.com/@unrwa.usa/live


Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
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🚨 @HelenClarkNZ to UN Security Council: "All Member States must distinguish between Israel 🇮🇱 and the Occupied Palestinian Territory 🇵🇸 in all forms of co-operation and cease any assistance to or trade with illegal settlements."

Full statement: un.org/unispal/document/the-…

UN Palestinian Rights Committee

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En Gaza, los niños y niñas no tendrán una vuelta al cole como otros cursos. Pero sí podrán volver a ser precisamente eso, niños y niñas.
Vamos a devolverles su infancia robada, esperanzas, un futuro mejor y una motivación. Y tú también puedes ayudarles
👉 educacionparagaza.es/


Palestine Under Attack on Telegram by @PalestineUnderAttackTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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AL-MAYADEEN: The number of Israeli raids on the south exceeds fifty war raids in the last wave.

FOLLOW OUR LIVE BLOG palestinechronicle.com/gaza-…

The Palestine Chronicle

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🇱🇧 AL-JAZEERA: The Israeli settlement of Metulla was targeted with 6 missiles from southern Lebanon.

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The Palestine Chronicle

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🔥تواصل قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي هجومها العسكري الواسع على قطاع #غزة، عبر الجو والبر والبحر، لليوم 349 على التوالي بما في ذلك قصف المنازل ومراكز الإيواء وتجمعات #النازحين وخيامهم دون إنذار مسبق، وتواصل جرائم القتل الجماعي و #التهجير القسري للسكان، عبر مواصلة عمليات التدمير واسعة النطاق للمنازل والمباني والبنى التحتية، مع تعاظم معاناة مئات آلاف النازحين والنازحات، في استمرار لجريمة #الإبادة_الجماعية في غزة.

📃وتشير مؤسسات حقوق الإنسان: المركز الفلسطيني، و @AlMezanCenter و @alhaq_org ، إلى أنه خلال الفترة التي يغطيها التقرير، تكرر قصف المدارس التي تأوي نازحين في غزة وآخرها قصف مدرسة ابن الهيثم الذي أوقع 8 شهداء من بين النازحين، منهم 5 أطفال وسيدتان، وقصف خيام النازحين في منطقة المواصي غرب #خان_يونس و #رفح، التي أعلنتها قوات الاحتلال منطقة إنسانية، في إصرار على حرمان النازحين حتى من المأوى الذي يفتقر لكل الاحتياجات الأساسية.

📝وفي سياق تغطية مؤسسات حقوق الإنسان لجريمة الإبادة الجماعية، تعرض المؤسسات المعلومات التي رصدها فريق البحث الميداني خلال الفترة من 15-18 سبتمبر/أيلول الجاري، على النحو الآتي:👇 pchrgaza.org/ar/?p=26356

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights - PCHR

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In his speech, Nasrallah warned that Israel would face severe consequences and just retribution, whether anticipated or not. palestinechronicle.com/withi…

The Palestine Chronicle

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RT @MZEZ_RS: MFEA @tfajon chaired #UNSC briefing on the implementation of the resolution 2334: "I call for an inclusive, meaningful & time-bound peace process 🇮🇱🇵🇸 coupled with reconstruction, with @UN playing a central role. 🇵🇸 government has to be strong enough to shoulder its responsibilities." #BuildingTrust #SecuringFuture @vladaRS @SLOtoUN

State of Palestine

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