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A Nationalist source for news and media not authored or cosigned by neo-liberal and Marxist sources. White nationalist news relevant to our political movement and struggles.

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Репост из: Wakingup1984
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Cyclist flips out, smashes car window
Question the narrative - it’s triggered time lol... we love you! You’ve been psyop’d.

The brainwashed are unsalvageable

Репост из: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓖𝓱𝓸𝓼𝓽
Biggest Win of 2021?

Репост из: Legion Napier
This is called mockery

We need more of our own women who think like this.

Репост из: Eric Striker
How is this not considered an act of terrorism? Violence like this doesn't happen in normal countries.

When I lived in NYC, I talked to immigrants from Poland, Pakistani, Mexico, China, etc.

One of the first rites of passage in the American immigrant experience is surviving your initial encounter with blacks. After that, its about limiting risk of being murdered by hoping they just rob you.

Show more videos like this to the third world and people will stop immigrating. Washington DC , San Francisco, Chicago and NYC are genuinely more dangerous than Pakistan.


10 years from now when she's being crushed by student loan debt working at Starbucks as a single mother if she's still gonna be a Bernie bro.

Liberalism is truly a mental condition

Репост из: Dead sub to the new channel Whatcha doin rabbi?
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Prison guard has been taken hostage by inmates at a prison in Oklahoma. Prisoners are using the officer's phone to live stream. A couple of hours ago.


Репост из: White Fight
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Race Studies - Interactions With Animal Life

Репост из: Debunking Atheists
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Evil are afraid of YOU MEN.

Never Cuck. Never give up or give in. Never be weak men. Push evil back, and never invite them into your home. Home is sacred, and predators and pedophiles can infiltrate your home when you're not there. Be there for your family, men.

At all cost carry your cross.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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