Active Club England (Censored)

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Active Club Midlands dan repost
Active Club Midlands held a fitness meet, focusing on running and striking.

Join Us ⚡️
Contact 🥊 XIV

Active Club London dan repost
📍London Active.
ACL training session.


Active Club England dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Jonathan Bowden: What Did They Die For?

"Were they fighting for tolerance and inclusion? No, they were fighting for glory; they were fighting for this country!"


Active Club England dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Remember, remember...

Active Club Scotland dan repost
Members from AC Scotland met with @activeclubNW to summit Cross Fell, in the Pennines.

They endured a night camping on the mountain in 70mph winds and heavy rain.
The trip was finished by covering striking and grappling technique at a local gym.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 X 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Active Club London dan repost
📍London Active.
ACL training session.


Active Club England dan repost
Active Club England held a multi region meet to practice their striking and stand-up game, and concluded with sparring.

Join Us ⚡️Contact 🥊 XIV

^^^ New uncensored channel, subscribe and repost please

Active Club England dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Despite what all the recent articles about us may say, the comments sections show that what we are doing is now more popular than ever.

We are inevitable

Active Club London dan repost
Active Club London conducted a fitness meet consisting of a running circuit session and some padwork, followed up with some sparring.

Join Us ⚡️Contact 🥊 XIV

Active Club Anglia dan repost
Active Club Anglia conducted a fitness meet focusing on members striking and defence. These skills were then practiced when applied during the rounds of sparring later on.

Join Us ⚡️Contact 🥊 XIV

Active Club Midlands dan repost
Active Club Midlands held a fitness meet, consisting of circuits, padwork and grappling.

Join Us ⚡️
Contact 🥊 XIV

We are now posting on our new non-shadowbanned channel. Follow @ActClubEngland

This channel will remain as our secondary back up channel.

@ActClubEngland (Main)
@ActiveEngland (Secondary/censored)

Active Club England (uncensored) dan repost
Once again, our @ActiveEngland Channel has been apple and Google banned.

This is the second act of anti-White censorship in less than two weeks.

Please share our new channel

Operation Werewolf Official dan repost
There’s only two kinds of people left.

Those who know that the truth of this existence is inescapably tied to the blood, fidelity to our lineage, and adherence to the continued telling of an ancient story that we are the present stewards of -

And those who wish to eradicate this…not only those who are actively and ideologically opposed, but those whose opposition takes the form of cowardice, of downgoing, of weakening their birthright through either wrong action or worse, inaction.

May we all be blessed today to have the opportunity to show which one we are.

Gym XIV (Banned on Apple) dan repost
Can you also sense what we sense? Can you see what we can see?

The calls for strength and tribes for European youth have been answered. And what an answer!
In every country on this godlike continent and at our cousins overseas we can see that our seeds of ideas now starting to grow. And rapidly so. We have seen British and Irish lads lead this summer in total revolt against the system.
We have seen how the French defended their streets effectively during the electionchaos.
We could see how Germans rised up against the faggots in Bautzen, and we could see how the modern worlds symbols shattered during the Olympic Games in Paris.
And much much more.

Every day young lads tribe and train for the reconquista of their homelands. Every day newpapers, websites, TG-Channels, Insta-accounts, Legions of TikTok accounts wage the war against those who oppress our peoples.
Every day we see political partys in our favor goes up in numbers and how the ordinary man become more and more "right wing".

Active clubs seems to really awaken an apolitical youth and transform them to something radical different from the ideals of the modern world. And we can see how the big nationalist organizations follows in that direction.

So can you see? Can you sense it?
Change is coming.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Active Club England currently has 4 public, operational Subregional Active Clubs, but in the coming weeks and months ACE will also have 5 or more operational region or city wide Clubs based across:

📍North East England.
📍South West of England.
📍South East of England.

If you are in one these regions and want to join the company of capable and like-minded men local to you:

Then apply. Join the thriving and rapidly growing mass movement across the entirety of England.

@ACE_Contact 💬
@ActiveEngland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Wandering Spartan dan repost
He who aspires to make himself of steel must first be willing to throw himself into the furnace.

Active Club Tallinn dan repost
Active Club Tallinn korraldab liikmetele iganädalaselt ühistreeninguid 💪🏻

⬇️ Liitumiseks DM (17+) ⬇️

Kontakt: @ActiveTallinn 💬


🌎 We are worldwide.
📍Join your local Active Club.


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