One thing is sure. BREIVIK SAID THE REALITY!
Instead of teaching proper things, maybe in future we are teaching how to do blowjobs ...
Ticino is writing: L’educazione sessuale (in seguito ES) non costituisce una disciplina specifica e non necessita pertanto di un programma particolareggiato.
🤦♂️ What? it's not specific and doesn't require a specific program?
- female and male anatomy
- female and male physiology
- female and male pathophysiology / sex related diseases
- prevention methods (condoms, etc.)
- what to do if you are pregnant
- what to do to avoid rape
- what to do if got rape
- what to do if you get raped (example, where is the limit, before you get in prison)
- why rape is not ok
- laws related to rape and other crimes
- laws related to abortion
- laws related to sex
- legal action possible in case of rape
- psychological consequences / trauma of rape / abortion / etc.
- pro and contro of abortion
- suicide and mental problems
- where you can get support
It's a shame that Anders Behring Breivik understand (in part) such things! while our politicians still ignore all problems / issues / facts or whatever. SHAME OF YOU and start to change! like we said you need to make proper education about criminality, nutrition, nature / animal / climate change / way to communicate / abuse / terrorism / what to do in case of disasters / car crash / financial topics / etc.! students NEED TO START LEARNING IMPORTANT THINGS! not what dude xx did in year 1289! Who give a shit to that!
We need to learn to communicate too! Stop saying shitty question "are you ok?"!