The establishment of the owner if this fatwa
- may Allah correct him - also includes many harms, to many to mention in entirety here, but from it is:
▪️That it necessitates that the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ both directed towards differing, which Allah casted blame upon in His Book and upon the tongue of His Messenger ﷺ.
As many legislative texts from the Book and the Sunnah encourage following the Salaf, and made following their path a condition for guidance, and that those who oppose their path are threatened with being forsaken and a painful punishment.
The legislative texts have tied the obtainment of unity and agreement to the following of their way and their path, as it comes in the Hadith of Iftiraaq (splitting) and other than it, so how will this directing be to a people who many of them have oppositions to the Creed and manifest foundations of the Sunnah?!
▪️And what this conceals of preparation of defending the Hizbis, and the people of Desires and Innovation, those with opposition to the methodology of the Salaf, and their Creed and their foundations.
What the owner of this fatwa
- may Allah correct him - wrote is considered protection for them from the rulings of Ahlus-sunnah, and the implementation of what the Prophetic Salafi legislation necessitates upon them, in what they deserve of declaration of innovation and other than this.
▪️In it is a call
- by the owner of this fatwa - to opening the door of differing wide open, and making it a proof for the people of Innovation and Desires to place in the faces of the advisors from amongst Ahlus-sunnah, as the Salaf differed in some foundations of Creed, to say:
Why are you rebuking for differing in this subject matter?!
Why are you rebuking us for defending and commending those who opposed in this subject matter?!
Why are you declaring us innovators and exiting us from the Sunnah? ▪️It includes a call
- by the owner of this fatwa - to the all-inclusive spacious methodology, by revisiting many of the rulings of the Imams, past and present, of declaration upon many people being innovators due to their opposition in affairs of Creed and the manifest foundations of the Sunnah, after being heads of the Sunnah at one point.
Thus opening the door for them, starting a fresh, to enter into the realm of Ahlus-sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah!?
▪️Watering down the angle of
Walaa (association) and
Baraa (disassociation) regarding the foundations of the Creed of Ahlus-sunnah, and the owner of this fatwa has clearly mentioned as previously preceded that:
"The mistake or missteps in Creed or in the foundations of Ahlus-sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah generally, is buried in the good and it doesn't affect it..."This speech of his is general: it includes clear-cut affairs.
As it falls under what's called:
Foundations of the Sunnah and CreedSo opposition with the owner of this fatwa is considered simple, and it's ruled upon to be buried, which basically means it being negated and not being taken in to consideration next to the good of the Imams.
This is enough of a waterig down of the
Walaa and
Baraa in what relates to the foundations of Ahlus-sunnah, if differing in clear-cut affairs and foundations of the religion is entered into what relates being excused and pardoned, then threshold has been reached, and
Walaa and Baraa in greatest of chapters in the religion will have been dropped.
And speech upon what this dangerous establishments entails is much..
And in what we have written is sufficiency in the rendering of this innovative establishment, which is in the aforementioned fatwa, false.
And all praise is to Allah Lord of all that exists.
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك لا إله إلا أنت أستغفرك وأتوب إليك.
Translated by:
Abu 'Abdirrahman 'Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ash-Shingaani
The Official English Channel of Shaykh Abu Hatim Yusuf Al-'Inaabi Al-Jazaa'iree - may Allah perserve him and aid him -t.me/AbuHaatimEn