If there's any kit you need, get it now. If there's cheap rice, beans, and canned goods you want, buy it now. By the end of March there WILL be shortages. And sometime in April I expect Amazon warehouses to start running dry and cheap bulk food will be impossible to find. If you have space, start prepping garden beds full of potatoes and maybe a smaller bed of other veggies. Potatoes will keep you alive if you can defend them. Consider sweet potatoes too, they are notoriously easy to grow.
We knew from the beginning this would be big, and we were right. We said it wouldn't be contained to China, it DOES affect whites the same as Asians, and the media would down play the hell out of this. There are already thousands in the USA infected. It will get worse, much worse. Stock market crashes, recession, massive shortages, fear, riots, quarantines, censorship, overloaded hospitals, political struggles, and war is all on the horizon. Get prepared.