Skorge's Mount'o'Sermons™

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
Toifa: Siyosat

My OC memes and good stuff I forward. Join for some nice bants if you have a thick skin. Cheers!
(OC images are marked with @SkorgesStuff,
all videos posted are marked with @SkorgesStuff)

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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Post Office dan repost

It seems obvious to me that one of the main methods of cultural subversion is the castration of certain historical figures. Every hero must be either slandered or softened. Jesus has undergone something similar to the founding fathers in this regard. They are both historical figures too beloved and respected to be morphed into comical villains, so instead they're transformed into ineffectual drones, who would supposedly be perfectly at home in our modern globohomo-multiculti clownworld.

"No guys, you don't get it, Jesus would totally be down with grown men sodomizing each other on a city street, and George Washington would totally support Black Lives Matter"

Christian Aryanism - Archive dan repost
>What would Jesus do?

Jesus would've driven down to the US Federal Reserve and driven out the Jews with weapons and destroyed the financial institution.

Just as Jesus drove the Jewish money changing [international currency converters] out of the temple with a whip; tossing their tables over.
John 2:13-16

Remember, Jesus didn't sit idly by waiting for someone else to clean up the mess; so why are you?

First 10 minutes is a great explanation of how post-modernists approach the scientific disciplines, know your enemy
Postmodern Woo
We will resume our exploration of the epistemologies of radical constructivists with a primer on postmodern critiques of science. This episode was particular...

Skull’s Charnel House Mirror dan repost
Not a single word of this is untrue. USE IT moving forward.

/CIG/ telegram dan repost
Saben really takes all the bait the siege channels feed him. He's aware that if forces for White Sovereignty achieved their goal of dispossesing other races from free access to their civilization, it means he could no longer browse /x/ threads for the truth about de wite mon's voodoo.


Rey's Cowboy Saloon dan repost
If my dick was long enough, there would be three feet on the accelerator! Better start using hands!

Slovak's Siege Shack dan repost
My take on this is as follows:
I wholeheartedly ENDORSE acts of retribution against the enemy, be it the politicians, their enforcers of all kinds, or other nefarious groups. We should deliver justice to all who have need of such.
As for the normies - the general atmosphere of terror, combined with attacks on the infrastructure, is more than enough. We can leave the Walmart shootings to others, it's not like there's a shortage of violence-prone people in our countries, many of them courtesy of our friends with small hats and big noses.

The End Times dan repost

The End Times dan repost

The End Times dan repost

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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