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Forward from: Þórr siðr
A stone hlautbolli found in Goðdalur, Iceland in 1960. It was found to have traces of animal blood on the bottom and the edges of the bowl. It now resides in the Museum of Witchcraft and Sorcery in Hólmavik.

Other examples have been found in Iceland, such as the one found in Borgarfjörður, and another in Úthlíð.

Forward from: THE WHITE REICH
"Only by affirming the animateness of perceived things do we allow our words to emerge directly from the depths of our ongoing reciprocity with the world."
— David Abram

Forward from: Survive the Jive: All-feed
Southern Arc believers on suicide watch. Sredny Stog (Serednii stih) theory vindicated - they are the ancestors of Yamnaya.

In this excerpt from his forthcoming presentation in Hungary David Reich walks back the PIE from South-of-the-Caucasus stuff he pushed in 2022, now working with David Anthony and nearly 300 new samples to arrive at a very different conclusion.

There IS steppe ancestry in Anatolia and this is how Indo-European languages got there. They are claiming a Caucasian migration route, but I think Balkans is more plausible.

They say PIE came from no further south than the North Caucasus, but likely further north on the steppe itself! Of course I support the steppe itself.

This is a game changer and puts the discourse back on the right track.

Forward from: The True Northerner
🇬🇧 Hans Topper - «Wotan salutes Valhalla».

🇩🇪 Hans Topper - «Wotan begrüßt Walhalla».

🇷🇺 Ганс Топпер - «Вотан приветствует Вальгаллу».


❄️ @thetruenortherner

It’s Wotans day my friends!

Forward from: Eecebaam
Holda by Iwobrand

I know some people maybe wary to the Prose Edda but I think no one should be for the Poetic Edda. The Poetic edda was written between 1000-1100 AD, a time when pagans (or pagans who converted to Christianity) still existed in Iceland. The Edda was likely written in the mid-1000s to preserve much of our ancient way of poetry by Christians, something that was sacred to the Nordic peoples. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that the Poetic edda is a credible source that every Germanic pagan should study before confirming themselves to our faith.

Forward from: ᛉ Sagnamaðr Stark ᛉ
The struggle is real.

Forward from: Þórr siðr
An instance of note that gets overlooked in the history of Snorri Sturluson, is that during his childhood his father Sturla Þórðarson was actually accused of worshipping Odin during a lawsuit (which would have been rare in Iceland, even in the heathen period).

Þorbjörg, the wife of Páll Sölvason who was involved in this lawsuit, came at Sturla with a knife and attempted to stab his eye out while exclaiming:

“Why don’t I make you like the one you most want to be — that is, Odin!”

After this, a settlement occurred and Sturla’s young son Snorri was to be educated by Jón Loftsson, who was said to be descended from Sæmundr fróði Sigfússon, and had blood ties to the Norwegian royal family through King Magnús berfættur.

This connection to Odin and the Norwegian royal family colored much of Snorri Sturluson’s life, as he was the one to document the lineages and histories of the Norwegian kings in Heimskringla, and the later Eddic literature, and collected praise poetry of the Norwegian kingship.

He made ties to the Norwegian royal family at the time of Hákon gamli, and attempted to dissolve the Icelandic commonwealth and was tasked by the king to bring Iceland under the Norwegian crown, which he failed to do and it eventually caused his death as it displeased Hákon, who had Snorri killed.

Photo is a depiction of the encounter between Þorbjörg and Sturla from an Icelandic newspaper.

Forward from: Folkish European Paganism
Northern Beasts by Daniel Jacobs

Forward from: Æhtemen
'The world is changing: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air.' - Treebeard from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.

Forward from: ᛉ Sagnamaðr Stark ᛉ
The runic Forsaringen (Forsa Ring), made in the 9th Century, is the oldest surviving record of Old Norse Law. It appears to have been used to record a charge and/or order to restore a ritual site (vé). 

The inscription reads;
“One ox and two aura (in fine) (to?) staf (or) aura staf (in fine) for the restoration of a cult site (vé) in a valid state for the first time; two oxen and four aura for the second time; but for the third time four oxen and eight aura; and all property in suspension, if he doesn’t make right. That, the people are entitled to demand, according to the law of the people that was decreed and ratified before. But they made (the ring/statement), Anund from Tåsta, and Ofeg from Hjorsta. But Vibjörn carved.” Translated by Stefan Brink.

The projection in the middle resembles Thor’s hammer; likely a reference to Thor’s role of upholding justice and law, as attested in the Gylfaginning. 

POV: I catch someone littering

Forward from: Diary of an Underground Ronin
"Nothing is more evident than that modern capitalism is just as subversive as Marxism. The materialistic view of life on which both systems are based is identical; both of their ideals are qualitatively identical."
— Evola

Forward from: THE WHITE REICH
“In the oldest religion, everything was alive, not supernaturally but naturally alive. There were only deeper and deeper streams of life, vibrations of life more and more vast. So rocks were alive, but a mountain had a deeper, vaster life than a rock, and it was much harder for a man to bring his spirit, or his energy, into contact with the life of a mountain, and so he drew strength from the mountain, as from a great standing well of life, than it was to come into contact with the rock. And he had to put forth a great religious effort. For the whole life-effort of man was to get his life into contact with the elemental life of the cosmos; mountain-life, cloud-life, thunder-life, air-life, earth-life, sun-life. To come into the immediate felt contact, and so derive energy, power, and a dark sort of joy. This effort into sheer naked contact, without an intermediary or mediator, is the root meaning of religion…”
― D.H. Lawrence

Forward from: The Norrœna Society

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Forward from: Dan Davis Author

This is the story of the magnificent kings of the central European Bronze Age: the Únětice culture.

They produced massive amounts of bronze and grew rich from trade in metals and amber. These were the people who produced the world famous Nebra Sky Disc.

Watch the video now.

Please share the video, it helps very much. Cheers!

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