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Based in Republic of Nova-Eireann, a future Sovereign State with aspirations to join the RF. The Scythian seeks truth in all aspects, from Political to Spiritual and to offer a realist's World view; that of the true Pan-Eurasian Tradition; Русский Мир

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"I've never been through Erez (only been shot with live ammunition at by Israeli soldiers from Erez), but have seen footage of the crossing before this, very fortified.

If Resistance have taken control, impressive!

*Note: The reason I haven't gone into/out of Gaza via Erez is that the Zionists do not allow honest journalists in.

I first entered Gaza by boat from Cyprus (November 2008) and subsequently left and returned via the Rafah crossing.

I also once entered and left by tunnel. Guess what I saw in the tunnels: Palestinian civilians who otherwise couldn't exit the open air prison that is the Gaza Strip, leaving to Egypt for the medical care they cannot get in Gaza because of Israel’s inhumane, brutal, 15+ year siege on Gaza (prohibiting entry of vital medicines and medical equipment), Israeli wars on Gaza (targeting hospitals), and the long power outages (sometimes 20 hours off when I lived there, otherwise at least 8 or 10 orn12 hours off, daily) due to Israel’s bombing of Gaza's sole power plant back in 2006

All of this has devastated Gaza's medical system. Hence, since Israel usually doesn't allow Palestinians with medical referrals to exit Gaza, and Egypt (when I was there) made it almost impossible for Palestinians to exit, the tunnels were the only option."
- Eva Karene Bartlett.

Репост из: ResistanceTrench
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New video of al-qassam operation.

🚩 @ResistanceTrench

Репост из: 🇦🇺AussieCossack🇷🇺
❗️The Taliban army of Afghanistan armed with US$80 BILLION in weapons announces it's intention to march on Israel through Pakistan-Iran-Syria.

😮They promise to "make the Holy Land safe again for Christians and Muslims".

⚡️Blame USA (for everything).

Репост из: 🇦🇺AussieCossack🇷🇺
❗️Not sure if this is the best way for Israel to gain support...

Репост из: 🇦🇺AussieCossack🇷🇺
❗️Taping 110km/h signs with black masking tape to form a 'NO' is trending 4 days out from the Australian Referendum.

😂Only in Australia...

🎙Follow @AussieCossack

❗️Special TNT Radio broadcast dedicated to defending the Russian children in Adelaide who have now been banned from performing at the upcoming 2023 South Australian Multicultural Festival by Labor's Zoe Bettison MP. 🇦🇺🇷🇺

🎙 In this hour long episode:

⚡️Calls for Zoe Bettison MP to resign after she specifically banned Russian children from performing at the festival.

⚡️We reveal the undue Foreign influence from Ukrainian nationalists on SA Minister for Multiculturalism Zoe Bettison.

⚡️We reveal the grass roots community plan to hold an alternative 'unofficial' Multicultural Festival in Adelaide's CBD on the 12th of November where all children and multicultural community groups are welcome to perform without any discrimination.

⚡️Special guests from Adelaide including community leaders, concerned mothers and a statement of support from the Russian Embassy in Canberra


Репост из: Slavyangrad
🇮🇱🇵🇸 Hezbollah may join the Hamas operation if Israel “persists in its stupidity,” said the head of the movement’s Executive Council, Hashem Safi al-Din.

He also accused the US and Israel of violating access to Islamic shrines and crossing all borders.


Репост из: Slavyangrad
- I didn't move here for the fucking war! Open the fucking registration! Mein Gott, lasst mich hier raus.

Israelis, tourists and "A significant number of relocants from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus" are trying to escape the war in Israel. They are besieging Ben-Gurion Airport to get out of the country as soon as possible, but many US, EU and Russian airlines have canceled flights - all or part of them.

Also due to the declared martial law and the critical situation in the Gaza Strip, Israeli authorities have announced the mobilization of reservists - including former IDF relocants.

💥💥💥Chaos in Occupied Palestine 💥💥💥

Репост из: Slavyangrad
The situation in Israel on October 8

The Israel Defense Forces is gradually deploying ground troops and transferring additional forces from the east of the country, but the situation has not yet been stabilized.

How does Hamas operate?

Despite Israeli air strikes, Hamas ground forces continue to advance towards Tel Aviv. At the moment, fighting is being recorded in the area of ​​Ashkelon (15 km from Gaza) and Ashdod (23 km northeast of the Palestinian enclave).

After attacks on Israeli targets with Qassam missiles, the Palestinians are actively using loitering munitions to destroy IDF targets at a distance of 30-50 km. Hamas also announced that it has taken control of an IDF base in the Kisufim area, 2 km from the wall separating Gaza from Israeli territory.

The Israeli army has not yet been able to force the Palestinians to their original positions: heavy armored vehicles have not yet arrived in the combat area, and Israeli police units are clearly not up to the task. The involvement of the Lebanese Hezbollah in the fighting is still invisible against the general background of the fighting, but activity continues to increase.

How the IDF operates

The air strikes carried out since yesterday have not yet given Israel a tangible advantage. The main bet will be placed on the full-scale use of armored vehicles. Merkava Mk.4 battle tanks, Namer armored personnel carriers, and other heavy equipment are being deployed from military bases in the central and eastern parts of the country. However, IDF ground forces will soon face not only a large number of drones used by the Palestinians but also the use of anti-tank systems.

It is noteworthy that a significant proportion of Palestinian anti-tank weapons operators carry missiles with tandem warheads (for example, PG-7VR). This suggests that the Palestinians were preparing for the destruction of heavy equipment from the very beginning. Perhaps for the same reason, units such as the 933rd Nahal Infantry Brigade with heavy Eitan armored personnel carriers are practically absent in the combat zone. In addition, the IDF still does not risk using American AH-64 Apache helicopters after several vehicles were almost shot down by fire from MANPADS.

Where is this going?

So far, IDF activity has been limited to closing small sections of highways to block or at least slow the advance of Palestinians using pickup trucks, scooters, and ATVs to get around. However, the forces that Israel has deployed at the moment are clearly insufficient. Having noticed the road closures, the Palestinians prefer not to engage in protracted fighting and regroup to bypass the checkpoints.

Most likely, this is due to the need to get to one of the major cities in the predetermined zone of the Palestinian operation and strengthen control there. The situation in Sderot, Otef, Ofakim, and Netivot still remains unclear. Israeli security forces did not take control of the situation in these cities due to a lack of heavy equipment and air support. Hamas' advance continues. At the moment, the Palestinians have advanced from 5 to 27 km deep into Israeli territory.


Репост из: Slavyangrad

Institute for the Study of War*, Washington, DC:

"Putin may have ordered the Russian military commanders to hold all of Russia's original defensive positions [in Ukraine] to create the illusion that the Ukrainian counteroffensive had produced no tactical or operational results, despite substantial Western support."

* American think tank. Founded in 2007.
Conducts research in the field of defense. Operated through grants and donations from major defense contractors including General Dynamics, DynCorp and Raytheon.

💥💥💥US Experts say Russia may be winning in order to create the illusion that Russia is winning 😂 💥💥💥

⚡️⚡️⚡️War coverage Channels are going off! There is a frenzy of activity are items being posted on Channels of War correspondents. Between Ukraine and Occupied Palestine, a huge volume of information is flowing in.⚡️⚡️⚡️

💥💥💥The scale of this explosion of conflict in Occupied Palestine is big. More and more reports of US/NATO Weaponry being used by Liberators are emerging. It seems the Arms Shipments to Ukraine which have been going astray are at least partially going to Anti-Zionist groups and have resulted is a well armed and confident force that is shaking the pseudo-state of Israel to its Rothschild foundations. The Zionists are not as secure as they thought. 💥💥💥

Репост из: Lord Of War
Europe is preparing sanctions against Serbia

The Rapporteur on Kosovo and Metohija in the European Parliament said that a package of measures has been prepared for Serbia in response to the incident in the village of Banska.

“I would not call these measures sanctions, because they must be approved by the EU Council, but we are talking about political and financial measures that will naturally harm the Serbian government,” said Viola von Cramon.

She also noted that it is important for Belgrade to sign any agreement reached with Pristina, and for the “authorities” of the self-proclaimed republic to ensure the creation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities.


Репост из: Lord Of War
⚡️🇵🇸 The IDF has announced that it is evacuating the following settlements:

Nahal Oz, Erez, Nir Am, Meflasim, Kfar Gaza, Gav, Or Haner, Efim, Netiv Etzra, Yad Mordechai, Karmiya, Zikim, Kerem Shalom, Kessufim, Dune, Sofa, Nirim, Nir Oz, Third Ein, Nir Yitzhak, Be'eri, Magen, Badim, Kfar Saad and Atam.

Репост из: Lord Of War
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Репост из: Fearless John - @European_dissident
■ Historic picture. Jewish refugees sailing to Palestine.

■ The placard says: "The Germans have annihilated our families, don't annihilate our last hope"...

■ The Palestinians didn't even think about how that would end for them...

■ Follow @UkraineHumanRightsAbuses

Репост из: Lord Of War
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Iran's parliament supported the Hamas attacks and widely chanted "Death to America".

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