Alexander Dugin

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

International Channel, Doctor of Sociology and of Political sciences, PhD of Philosophy.
Founder of Russian geopolitical school and Eurasian Movement.

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Evrazia dan repost
« C’est l’opposition entre les eurasistes et les atlantistes qui va définir la lutte historique du XXIe siècle. On pourrait dire que l’eurasisme est la philosophie de la mondialisation multipolaire, appelant l’union de toutes les sociétés et de tous les peuples de la Terre pour construire un monde original et authentique, dont chaque composante proviendra organiquement des traditions historiques et des cultures locales. »

— Alexandre Douguine, Vladimir Poutine, le pour et le contre (2017)

Intel Slava Z dan repost
✉️🇷🇺Telegram has begun blocking Russian news Telegram channels en masse in Europe. In particular, RIA Novosti, NTV, Rossiya 1, RT and Izvestia have been blocked.

Alexander Dugin dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Don't forget the channels in telegram


🌐 Katehon think tank is an independent organization consisting of an international network of people - from a wide variety of fields and disciplines - who specialize in the geopolitical, geostrategic and political analysis of world events.

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🇪🇺 Eurasian Youth Union
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🇨🇳 第四政治/多極世界理論學會

🇯🇵 アレクサンドル・ドゥーギンの日本語によるテキストと記事

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Brotherhood of Academists
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Pierre-Antoine Plaquevent
Youssef HINDI
Pepe Escobar
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Christian Bouchet
PAROUSIA - Laurent James
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📚And publishers where you can find my books

Ediciones Fides
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Kontre Kulture
Hipérbola Janus

Margaret Jacob has argued that in order to understand the origins of “our politics and of democratic discourse” we should look back to the lodges of the eighteenth-century Freemasons: “Rather than imagining the Enlightenment as represented by the politics of Voltaire, or Gibbon, or even Rousseau, or worse as being incapable of politics, we might just as fruitfully look to the lodges for a nascent political modernity.” While her thesis has not met with universal acceptance, her notion of a “radical Enlightenment,” centering on exclusivist societies such as the Freemasons, deserves further investigation.

– Alexander Dugin in italiano dan repost
Richard Malcolm Weaver, Jr. è stato uno studioso americano noto per i suoi contributi al pensiero conservatore. Ecco alcune idee chiave a lui associate:

Le idee hanno conseguenze: La sua opera più famosa, in cui sostiene che il declino della civiltà occidentale è iniziato con l'abbandono della fede nella verità assoluta e nella realtà oggettiva nel tardo Medioevo. Egli sostiene che questo cambiamento ha portato al nominalismo, che considera la radice del relativismo moderno e della decadenza morale.

✍️ Aleksandr Dugin

🗣La critica culturale di Richard Weaver lezioni per il conservatorismo moderno

Alexander Dugin dan repost
The Western Modernity is Antichrist

What the life after woke looks like? If we want to overcome woke, we need to identify its roots and extract them. The roots are nominalism, hyper-individualism and liberalism as ideology inviting every individual to abandon any form of collective identity.

The woke ideology of globalist liberal left is the logical consequence of whole history of liberalism. Liberation from Catholic Church, estates, Empire, national states, collectives ideologies (fascism and communism), race, ethnic identity, gender and humanity as specie.

Read the essay here:

🇳🇵 चौथो घुम्तिको अन्त्य

स्ट्राउस-हाउ जेनरेशनल थ्योरी, वा "चौथो टर्निंग (घुम्ती)", भनिन्छ कि इतिहास चार वटा टर्निङ्हुँदै चक्रीय ढाँचामा अगाडि बढ्दछ, जसमा प्रत्येक टर्निङ लगभग २०-२५ वर्षसम्म रहन्छन्।

१.उच्च (पहिलो टर्निंग) - सशक्त संस्थाहरू र अनुकूलनको युग। सामूहिक आत्मविश्वास उच्च हुन्छ र व्यक्तिवादी प्रवृती कम हुन्छ।

२.जागरण (दोश्रो टर्निंग) - सांस्कृतिक उत्थानको लागि जहाँ युवापिढी स्थापित मान्यताहरूको बिरुद्ध विद्रोह गर्छ। जसले आध्यात्मिक र सांस्कृतिक नवीकरण ल्याउँछ।

३. विघटन (तेस्रो टर्निंग) - संस्थाहरू कमजोर हुन्छन्, व्यक्तिवादी प्रवृती बढ्छ र संस्थाहरूमा जनविश्वास घट्छ। समाज टुक्रा टुक्रा हुन्छ।

अलेक्जेन्डर दुगिन

dr Krzysztof Karczewski dan repost
Список моих переводов на польский язык текстов А. Г. Дугина - за вторую половину декабря 2024 г.

A. Dugin, Trump to szansa,;
A. Dugin, Sztuczna inteligencja a liberalizm,;
A. Dugin, USA: niepewność post-liberalnej epoki,;
A. Dugin, Zwycięstwo Trumpa to światowa rewolucja konserwatywna,;
A. Dugin, Trump - sojusznik i adwersarz,;
A. Dugin, Liczy się pełne Zwycięstwo,;
A. Dugin, Trumpizm, pragmatyzm i koniec liberalnego globalizmu,;
A. Dugin, Ku ogólnej teorii przerażenia,;
A. Dugin, Wielki Izrael i atakujący Mesjasz,

PRAV Publishing dan repost

Don’t miss PRAV’s very own Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Jafe Arnold, discussing the works and legacy of Daria Platonova Dugina, as well as much more, with Arktos editor Constantin von Hoffmeister on the latest episode of the Eurosiberia podcast:

Join the conversation by delving into Daria Platonova Dugina’s radical books, brought to you in English by PRAV Publishing and Arktos Media:

Eschatological Optimism

For a Radical Life

A Theory of Europe

Rainaldo Graziani dan repost
Una chiave di volta ?
Comprendere che l'unione di Fede e Dubbio non sono affatto un ossimoro. Anzi, essi "sono la conditio sine qua non" per decifrare il mondo nuovo ed entrarvi da protagonisti e non da vittime designate.
Provo a spiegarmi meglio...
Premesso che quando utilizziamo il termine ortodossia intendiamo l'accettazione integrale dei principi di una dottrina, in quanto eterni ed immutabili, possiamo, anzi dobbiamo, comprendere che che il "dubbio" stesso è espressione della verità.
I filosofi greci ci insegnano che non potremmo dubitare se non esistesse una verità in grado di sottrarsi al dubbio e ciò presuppone che la Verità non può essere di per sé conosciuta ma che va semplicemente raggiunta. E' dunque necessario un percorso, terminato il quale acquisiremo con la verità la capacità di gestire la realtà, gli altri e cosa ancor più significativa noi stessi.
Comprovare l'esistenza della verità dunque significa, in un certo senso, essere capaci di dubitare delle false illusioni che oscurano il cammino verso la verità stessa.
Un ricordo giovanile personale mi aiuta forse ad essere più chiaro.
Il mio professore di greco, Prof Samonati, Cavaliere dell'Ordine di Omero presso l'Accademia dei Lincei, ci spiegava che i grandi testi epici indicano chiaramente che dilemmi, domande ed inquietudini dell'Uomo sono stati affrontati per molti secoli con un approccio puramente eroico. Il pensiero in questo momento non può che correre all’Iliade e l’Odissea. In questo senso quando nel pensiero di Alexander Dugin ricorre l'affermazione che Polemos è Padre di tutte le cose tutto dovrebbe apparirci più chiaro.
A riguardo ho rintracciato una citazione di Evola che esprime difatto lo stesso concetto "...“È nella battaglia stessa che occorre risvegliare e temprare quella forza che, di là dalle bufere del sangue e degli stenti, con nuovo splendore e con pace potente propizierà una nuova creazione. Per questo, oggi si dovrebbe apprendere di nuovo sul campo di battaglia la pura azione, l’azione non solo nel significato di ascesi virile, ma anche di purificazione e via verso forme di vita superiori..."
Cosa fare allora ? Continuare, incessanti, a coltivare e custodire un gruppo umano in grado di definire con rigore intellettuale (il dubbio greco) ed una totale irremovibilità (Fede) nell'Idea, la Verità.
Cavalcare la tigre restando in piedi in un mondo di rovine è sostanzialmente questo.
E' una delle svariate genesi del Soggetto Radicale di Alexander Dugin.
Perchè ho scritto questo pensiero ?
Perchè ho rivisto questa foto che pubblicai alcuni mesi fa e ripropongo adesso.

Legitimate Targets dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Jackson Hinkle speaks with Rybar Director Mikhail Zvinchuk, to why Russia is NOT READY for peace & the future of post-Assad Syria.

Russian MFA 🇷🇺 dan repost
🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Russian and international news media (Moscow, December 26, 2024)

Question: Talks are the top priority, no question about it. Many opinions are heard coming from the diplomatic circles, experts, and other sources. To put it in plain terms, they are trying hard to see both of us make peace. The question is, though, who are we supposed to talk to in Kiev? President-elect Trump’s presumptive special envoy for Ukraine Keith Kellogg has come up with an initiative. What’s your take on the situation?

💬 Sergey Lavrov: Much has been said on this subject. President Putin has repeatedly addressed this issue, including during the Direct Line and during the Valdai International Discussion Club meeting before that, as well as other events.

☝️ Empty talk is not for us.

Everything we have heard so far was rhetoric about the need to come up with some kind of a ceasefire. However, not much is done to hide the fact that the purpose of a ceasefire is to buy time and to flood Ukraine with weapons, to help it get back in shape, to carry out additional mobilisation, and so on.

Ceasefire [temporary measures] is a road leading nowhere.

We need binding legal agreements that will lay out the conditions for ensuring Russia’s security and the legitimate security interests of our neighbours. However, they should exist in an international legal context that would preclude chances of violating these agreements.

These agreements must address Ukraine crisis’ root causes. The two main ones include, first, the violation of the commitments not to expand NATO to the east and the aggressive absorption by NATO of the geopolitical space all the way up to our borders. This is what they had in store for Ukraine. They keep talking about it to this day.

The second root cause includes the Kiev regime’s absolutely racist actions following the coup. The extermination of everything Russian, including language, mass media, culture, and even the use of the Russian language in everyday life, was officially greenlighted and then codified into law. That includes outlawing the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

We are told that Russia is allegedly putting forward preliminary conditions. In fact, these are not preconditions, but demands to act in line with previous agreements.

As it turns out, they lied to us when they assured us that NATO would not expand eastward. They lied to us when they emphasised their commitment to a settlement based on the UN Charter fully forgetting that this Charter stipulates more than the principle of territorial integrity and also includes the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples. It took the General Assembly quite a while to consider the relationship between these principles before it resolved by consensus in its wisdom that the territorial integrity of all states whose governments abide by the principle of self-determination and, therefore, represent the entire population living within the borders of the territory in question must be respected.

How can Kiev’s Nazi regime represent the interests of the residents of Crimea, Donbass, or Novorossiya, whom it declared terrorists right after the coup and launched a military “anti-terrorist operation” against them?

As President Putin said, we are willing to consider serious and concrete proposals. I hope that the Trump Administration, including Mr Kellogg, will look into the root causes of the conflict.


Key talking points:

• Russia and China have a real stabilising effect on international relations.

• The Americans prefer to get rid of competitors; it is their policy. Now they are “taking out” Russia, and beginning to do the same with regard to China.

• We are fully aware that the US relies on a bipartisan consensus with regard to Russia. This is not a friendly, but, to put it bluntly, Russophobic consensus.

• We receive signals from the overwhelming majority of Latin American countries expressing their interest in strengthening partnership with Russia.

Read in full in italiano dan repost
È in corso un profondo cambiamento nella percezione globale di Israele e forse del popolo ebraico nel suo complesso. Dopo la catastrofe subita dagli ebrei europei sotto Hitler durante la Seconda guerra mondiale, essi hanno suscitato una diffusa pietà, compassione e sincera simpatia su scala globale. Questo capitale morale ha facilitato la creazione dello Stato di Israele.

✍️ Aleksandr Dugin

🗣 La Grande Israele e il Messia conquistatore

Geopolitics and Nepal dan repost
Kathmandu Dialogue with Dugin
Dugin is a product of lived Russian history. Though born into a family of a Soviet military intelligence officer, he came of age during the period that Gorbachev has termed Brezhnevite stagnation when the Soviet communist system was failing economically, culturally and politically. The youth were looking for alternatives across the spectrum from the occult to the irridentist and much in between.
✍️Dipak Gyawali (former Nepal’s Minister of Water Resources )
Kathmandu Dialogue with Dugin | New Spotlight Magazine

Arktos dan repost
Cycle of Civilisation

Brecht Jonkers argues that civilisations in decline — as analysed by Ibn Khaldun, Lev Gumilev, and Oswald Spengler — must choose between revitalising through a reaffirmation of core values or face inevitable collapse due to internal decay or external conquest, a pattern seen from the Roman Empire to modern Western liberal-capitalist societies.

Read the essay here:

🇳🇵 आतंकको सामान्य सिद्धान्त तर्फ

हाइडेगरले आतंक (Angst, anxiety) र डर (Furcht, fear) बीचको भिन्नता स्पष्ट रूपमा प्रस्तुत गर्छन्। डरले हामीलाई भाग्न बाध्य बनाउँछ, जबकि आतंक वा त्रासले हामीलाई स्थिर बनाउन, वा थप विस्मयकारी रूपमा, हाम्रो स्थानमा नै रोक्न बाध्य बनाउँछ। मनोचिकित्सामा, चिन्ता विकार र डर बीचको भिन्नता केही साना फरक छन्, यद्यपि हाइडेगरको द्वैतवाद यस विषयमा समृद्ध रूपमा व्याख्या गर्न सकिन्छ। आतंक भित्री मनबाट उत्पन्न हुन्छ, र यसले अपरिभाषित र व्यक्त गर्न नसकिने अस्तित्वको सामना गर्न बाध्य बनाउँछ। यसका विपरीत, डर सधैं बाहिरबाट उत्पन्न हुन्छ र यसमा कारण, स्वरूप, र व्याख्या हुन्छ, जति सुकै यो भ्रामक भए पनि।

अलेक्जेन्डर दुगिन

Teori Generasi Strauss-Howe, atau "Perputaran Keempat," menyatakan bahwa sejarah mengikuti pola siklus melalui empat Perputaran, yang masing-masing berlangsung sekitar 20-25 tahun:

1. High (Pembelokan Pertama) - Era institusi yang kuat dan konformitas. Kepercayaan kolektif tinggi, dan individualisme rendah.

2. Awakening (Pembelokan Kedua) - Pergolakan budaya di mana generasi muda memberontak terhadap norma-norma yang mapan, yang mengarah pada pembaruan spiritual dan budaya.

3. Unraveling (Pembelokan Ketiga) - Institusi melemah, individualisme meningkat, dan kepercayaan publik terhadap institusi menurun. Masyarakat menjadi terfragmentasi.

4. Crisis (Pembelokan Keempat) - Periode pergolakan besar di mana tindakan kolektif diperlukan untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah kritis, yang sering kali melibatkan perang, keruntuhan ekonomi, atau perubahan sosial besar. Ini mengarah kembali ke High baru, memulai kembali siklus tersebut.

✍️ Alexander Dugin

🇮🇩 Akhir dari Putaran Keempat

アレクサンドル・ドゥーギンの日本語によるテキストと記事 dan repost
私の国内政策に於ける見解として、 2つの基本原則を統合的に活用することが重要であると考えます。​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

1. 裏切り・ロシア恐怖症・リベラリズム・スパイ活動・外国の諜報員・有害な覚醒イデオロギーのインフルエンサー・汚職に対する不寛容

2. あらゆる創造的探求への開放性・実験・想像力の自由・優柔不断・独断専行・未知への飛躍

✍️ アレクサンドル・ドゥーギン

🇯🇵 「主権者の心とリベラル派に対する審判」

PRAV Publishing dan repost
"Book-Thoughts around the Holidays": A Letter from PRAV Editor-in-Chief Jafe Arnold:

"Why books? Why the written word? As human beings, as authors and readers, we take up books for the sake of living, for facing life, for discovering and responding to the questions and situations that are posed to us throughout life and about life. When a publishing house releases a book, or when one person gifts a book to another, there is an outstretched hand that says: “Let us live together.” Authentic books are invitations to examine ourselves and our life, the lives of others, and the overall lifeworld in which we find ourselves. In engaging a book, we are physically, intellectually, lingually, and spiritually turning and opening ourselves up to some dimensions of life that call for our understanding, our interpreting, and our living on. Sitting down with a book, our intentionality stands up and leaps into a text that speaks to us, provided that we have eyes that see, ears that hear, and a commitment to living more fully, to being more aware and more open to the horizons ahead of us, whose existence we might not even have expected if it weren’t for such pages. With every book that is written, published, read, and shared, a little — or a lot — more of life is brought to light…

Many people have been driven to count the days, weeks, months, and years of their life in terms of survival, work, and more or less exterior spectacles, such as politics, the economy, social trends, technological developments, etc. As a publishing house, it could be said that PRAV counts our years and lifetime in terms of books, but provided the qualification that our books are not about conveying information or programs; rather, our books are appraised with respect to the times, places, and ways through which they pose the question, “Life?”, and the mystical, magical vocation: “Life!”...

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