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Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Ford Fischer on Twitter:
— "Later, a group called the "Propertarians" spoke, which split the crowd.

The speech was largely white nationalist talking points.
— "White Supremacy sucks!" the boogaloo boys and Black Lives Matter activists chanted as they marched back to where that speech was happening."

🔗 Ford Fischer (@FordFischer)

Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives dan repost
Ford Fischer on Twitter:
— "Today armed Black Lives Matter and "boogaloo" protesters joined forces for an open carry rally against police violence and government overreach. I'll have HD video up ASAP, but here are some photos I snapped today.

Betcha didn't see this on cable news today."

🔗 Ford Fischer (@FordFischer)

Slovak's Siege Shack dan repost
Damn, y'all seen those niggers down in Stone Mountain? The tension is so thick, you couldn't cut it with a knife anymore.
They're harassing White drivers, asking them about muh reparations.
Whew, good thing most White people aren't racist, right? /s

Slovak's Siege Shack dan repost
They want you to show up publicly. Of course, that'd be poor strategy - there's no need to fight on your enemy's terms.
If someone were to gather a group of friends and ruin these jigaboos' little PR stunt, that could escalate the situation further.
Also notable is the fact that the niggers immediately reject the "non-racist" boojahideen - almost as if we were right when we said that your skin color is your uniform.

Boogaloo Intel Drop📡 dan repost
Dindus dressed in black also marched in Stone Mountain, Georgia

At one point in this video their leaders say:

"you do not point your weapon at anyone until we do. After that I don't give a fuck. Kill every motherfucker you can"


"If you didn't come out today ready to kill a motherfucker, leave now"

Boogaloo Intel Drop📡 dan repost
I traveled for the 4th and noticed something. So many wonderful white families out camping and spending time together. Theres an unspoken warmth and wholesomeness to the experience.

However I noticed the usual patriotism has flickered out. No one knows what the flag even stands for anymore. In a world where kikes have left us intellectually starved, and Marxist professors have deconstructed the very fabric of our reality, we are forced to abandon society, and return to family. It is upon this rock we will have to build the home of our civilization.

As you read this, a child is born. Another perishes and their parents grieve. A farmer faces over fields of wasted food, while a poor homesteaders celebrates his first potatoes. In some remote Appalachian mountain, the sound of a blacksmiths hammer rings out for the first time in 100 years. In a ditch in the city, the blood of an innocent white person washes away, as the media crushes its story. The whispers of a son learning from his father in a hunting blind, and the excited laughter of a child running around outside in the countryside after generations of their parents living in concrete prisons we call cities.

Good, and bad. But the shift is inevitable, the war has started. The enemy will flat out give you vaccines to cripple your children, poisoned water to make you docile, and food that gives you cancer. Every single aspect of our current system has been constructed to make you suffer and extract taxes and labor from you in the process.

Its over. I don't care if Tucker Carson, Trump, Or whatever right wing e celeb of the week gets in power. Its all fake and gay. And only blood and soil matter now.

So escape the cities, work the land, and stock back that equipment, for the sons of the adamic race will soon be forced to war. And when whites are forced to stop playing defense, the only limitation to our retribution will be ammunition and coffee.

Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives dan repost
🇮🇱 Israeli Prime-Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu Congratulating US for the July 4 Celebrations:
— "Happy Independence Day, America!

The state of Israel sends our heartfelt appreciation to US President Donald Trump and the people of the U.S. as you celebrate the shared values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Thanks for being such a close friend and ally!"

Honk Honk

Jack Dawkins dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Black Panthers declaring racial war right now on the streets of Seattle.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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